WEBVTT 1 00:00:02.050 --> 00:00:25.410 Chip Meehan: A reminder to those attending during public comment. You may hear colorful language that some might find offensive. The Scnc has no ability to control or regulate the content of speech that is protected under the 1st Amendment Board. Members are reminded not to cut off, interrupt, or otherwise engage with stakeholders during their allotted time. Stakeholders, please respect the timekeeper when you're alerted, your time is up. 2 00:00:25.710 --> 00:00:55.710 Chip Meehan: 2. Please remember we are guests of Radford studios. It is important that we remain courteous and respectful to all Radford staff we may encounter during our time on the lot we need to respect and comply with all the regulations on the lot. And lastly, in particular, please remember that your access to the facility is limited to those rooms and services required for the Scnc. Meeting. Access to the Scnc meeting does not allow participants to wander the lot or explore other areas of the lot. 3 00:00:56.230 --> 00:01:00.359 Chip Meehan: So that's what I have for that is there public comment. 4 00:01:02.080 --> 00:01:06.520 Chip Meehan: I see no public comment, and I see no government representatives. 5 00:01:06.850 --> 00:01:08.749 Chip Meehan: So, Brian, if you're ready. 6 00:01:09.710 --> 00:01:11.010 Chip Meehan: we're up to you. 7 00:01:12.737 --> 00:01:16.380 Chip Meehan: close as we can to everything. 8 00:01:26.570 --> 00:01:36.699 Chip Meehan: and we have an agenda today to walk through, based off of the commentary and feedback we got. This is Zach here, by the way. Exactly. 9 00:01:38.480 --> 00:01:39.220 Chip Meehan: well. 10 00:01:39.360 --> 00:01:41.980 Chip Meehan: blur, though. Yeah. 11 00:01:43.600 --> 00:01:49.219 Chip Meehan: based off our last conversation here a handful of weeks back. I thought. 12 00:01:49.890 --> 00:01:57.079 Chip Meehan: Questions, comments areas topics to dive further into to have more conversation about. 13 00:01:57.290 --> 00:02:01.920 Chip Meehan: So we have a 2 part approach today is going to be much more about 14 00:02:02.200 --> 00:02:07.469 Chip Meehan: plan components, the uses, the heights, etc. 15 00:02:07.580 --> 00:02:13.619 Chip Meehan: The next meeting will be focused more on circulation, traffic and access. 16 00:02:13.800 --> 00:02:29.140 Chip Meehan: There was just a lot of material to get through in. Both of those one evening felt like it was going to be much more than we could handle, knowing that these are robust conversations, and they tend to go on for a while, but the 2 parts are really worthwhile exercise here. 17 00:02:33.400 --> 00:02:35.964 Chip Meehan: We can try. 18 00:02:38.460 --> 00:02:50.920 Chip Meehan: There's a reason they're taking it down. I think, Priscilla, that's about the extent of it. Yeah, all or nothing. 19 00:02:51.110 --> 00:02:58.830 Chip Meehan: Oh. 20 00:03:06.750 --> 00:03:08.080 Chip Meehan: either on the lines 21 00:03:08.260 --> 00:03:15.129 Chip Meehan: for a half hour. Yeah, it was an idea. 22 00:03:34.360 --> 00:03:58.682 Chip Meehan: Sorry, folks. I know it, but I can move over one, too. Any better? Okay, alright. So we have a number of topics to go through tonight. We have deeper dives on the various elements. 23 00:03:59.510 --> 00:04:09.429 Chip Meehan: clearly, this is a always a work in progress conversation. So as we get feedback from you, we're happy to either be able to answer what we can tonight and come back. Otherwise we answer those other day. 24 00:04:09.890 --> 00:04:18.789 Chip Meehan: but quickly, for I know many of you heard this a few times now who haven't heard about who happened. I don't believe there's anybody new tonight. 25 00:04:18.899 --> 00:04:20.930 Chip Meehan: Anyone know if there is these? 26 00:04:21.070 --> 00:04:34.458 Chip Meehan: Okay, I'll go through it. Yeah. Because if I, some of us if we hear recaps one more time we are going to go insane. I I am serious. I don't want to lead to insanity. 27 00:04:34.990 --> 00:04:36.759 Chip Meehan: I I can't hear it. 28 00:04:39.000 --> 00:04:48.470 Chip Meehan: So hackman capital partners really quickly, for the world's largest owner and operator of studios. We'll operate studios here in Los Angeles. 29 00:04:48.600 --> 00:04:56.989 Chip Meehan: across the nation and in Canada, the Uk. And our operations around the globe, working hand in glove with productions 30 00:04:57.280 --> 00:05:05.430 Chip Meehan: on a daily basis. Why, that's important to this team is that we get live feedback on a daily basis. So this isn't necessarily something that we are testing 31 00:05:05.480 --> 00:05:16.500 Chip Meehan: once every 5 years, and we're trying it again. In another 5 years. We're getting live feedback from our productions on a daily basis. So we have that feedback loop that really informs what we're trying to do here on our studio box. 32 00:05:18.476 --> 00:05:27.490 Chip Meehan: We have a great background, success story, and being stewards of historic properties much like this, this is Culver studios in city home to Amazon studios. 33 00:05:27.670 --> 00:05:30.470 Chip Meehan: And I'm gonna breeze through this very to your to your point. 34 00:05:30.984 --> 00:05:58.039 Chip Meehan: We all know Studio City at this point studio. Radford Center is the namesake of Studio City. It's the heart and soul. It's where the community is built. The neighborhood up grew up around it, and the studio, as you've come through the lot. You started the Max Senate district, most likely in the corner, the 1928 origination. It grew like layers of an onion from the south lot at that corner, out and beyond, and you can see the various eras of the studio. And so here we are in the next 35 00:05:58.220 --> 00:06:04.730 Chip Meehan: point in time to look at a larger macro long term vision for what the studio may be. 36 00:06:05.730 --> 00:06:28.949 Chip Meehan: We're 100 years old, nearly 100 years old, and you can imagine a hundred year old home 100 year. Old. Facility is in need, love and care. You can also imagine the way in which technology and infrastructure, and even production has changed over the course of 100 years all the way from silent now to digital streaming in the palm of your hands. It's a very broad and diverse universe that we're trying to respond to as part of this plan. And 37 00:06:29.090 --> 00:06:35.459 Chip Meehan: not only that. And you're talking about this on our way over here. The industry is still at a point where it's struggling to recover. 38 00:06:36.055 --> 00:06:40.260 Chip Meehan: Not only has it been, hurtled by 39 00:06:41.020 --> 00:07:01.059 Chip Meehan: the exodus of productions generally. Productions have been leaving the State. They've been going to other States. They've been going to other countries. Some of that tax credits outside of our control, but nonetheless they are leaving the area. Next was this idea of aging facilities. Most of the studios here in Los Angeles in the area are nearly 100 years old, all 75 to 100 years old. 40 00:07:01.080 --> 00:07:22.819 Chip Meehan: What was done and developed then is not appropriate or necessary today, and clearly not necessary or appropriate into the future. So when productions do choose to stay here, they're met with inadequate facilities that don't meet the demands of what they get elsewhere. On top of that, the 2 recent things was covid impacts, 2, 3 years of real impacts to the industry and what that led 41 00:07:23.030 --> 00:07:45.250 Chip Meehan: terms of diminishing production here locally. And then last summer, and just this summer we had dual strikes that wrapped up last summer we thought we were getting back to the books here the end of last year, and then there was the threat of the Iotse and the teamster strikes this summer. It's just hopefully wrapping up with the teamsters. But that's really hobbled production. So it's been a very long 42 00:07:45.250 --> 00:08:05.359 Chip Meehan: 4, 5, 6 year exodus of productions, a very hard uphill climb for productions to come back into full strength. So that's part of what we're trying to do here is to deliver a facility that can meet that needs. So we can bring entertainment back to its full force. And some of this is what I've talked about. But you can see the example of how far 43 00:08:05.420 --> 00:08:07.889 Chip Meehan: technology and production has changed 44 00:08:08.110 --> 00:08:13.050 Chip Meehan: clipping actual physical film all the way. Now to virtual environments on a sound stage. 45 00:08:13.372 --> 00:08:19.139 Chip Meehan: And one of the reasons we bring this slide up in particular for the land use side of the committee here tonight 46 00:08:19.400 --> 00:08:23.479 Chip Meehan: is it's not Radford studio center inventing a program. 47 00:08:23.530 --> 00:08:42.360 Chip Meehan: This isn't something we're saying. This is going to be a unique animal within the entertainment industry. It's not going to be something that stands apart from other studios here locally, and then across the globe. What this represents are the 5, the 5 uses we have on the studio lot here today, the 5 uses that exist at many of the studios around us. 48 00:08:42.419 --> 00:08:47.429 Chip Meehan: soundstage production, support production office, creative office and retail. 49 00:08:47.640 --> 00:08:54.350 Chip Meehan: And here you can see an assortment of 5 other studios in the area. Bradford Studio center down at the bottom. 50 00:08:54.540 --> 00:08:59.440 Chip Meehan: and you can see the programmings. You can see how these studios have evolved. Go back real quick. 51 00:09:00.256 --> 00:09:21.089 Chip Meehan: The biggest change here is, you can see what I would call legacy studios, studios that were developed in the twenties, thirties, and forties, and where they existed at about 43% of this production office creative office ratio as part of their total program. And how that's evolved being over 70%. So you can see sunset Bronson at almost 80% called studios over 80%. 52 00:09:21.090 --> 00:09:35.019 Chip Meehan: And then sunset, Gower and universal of that. And then Bradford kind of sitting in the middle. And what that all means is that the the way in production, the way in which production is produced now is not on the soundstage predominantly. It is shifted over to office environments. 53 00:09:35.050 --> 00:09:39.400 Chip Meehan: And so all to say is that we're trying to march in line with industry, demand 54 00:09:39.610 --> 00:09:46.779 Chip Meehan: studios, have modernized and want to keep pace with that, to make sure that Bradford stays a prominent studio here locally. 55 00:09:47.410 --> 00:09:48.460 Chip Meehan: So 56 00:09:48.830 --> 00:09:53.076 Chip Meehan: we're going to walk through now. Studio components, Barry, hopefully. That was a quick recap 57 00:09:53.640 --> 00:09:59.550 Chip Meehan: But we also have Ashley here from Som she's our master plan architect on the project. So 58 00:09:59.980 --> 00:10:15.349 Chip Meehan: we wanted to make sure she was able to come and speak to some of the details about the project. And so we'll tag team questions as they come up. But to walk through it to remind everybody we know we are a studio in the center of a neighborhood. 59 00:10:15.490 --> 00:10:31.379 Chip Meehan: We have a commercial corridor along Ventura, but we have residents basically all around us surrounding this. So these are the 4 main categories, 4 main neighborhoods of the groups that we've met with. For over a year. Now, starting with our traffic meetings. 60 00:10:31.788 --> 00:11:00.009 Chip Meehan: It's been a really great kind of relationship, working back and forth. So we, as we move into these diagrams, we never forget those neighborhoods. But in order to be able to show this graphic clearly, we've we've zoomed in so here we are today on the lot. 55 acres. You can see it's triangular in shape. We have the studio as it exists. We're sitting right about here. You probably entered here, and just to Orient. Everybody, Ventura, Boulevard, Bradford, Colfax, and More Park. 61 00:11:00.840 --> 00:11:09.829 Chip Meehan: and what we wanted to help explain is how we got to the plan, and then all the parts and the pieces that go into what the Radford modernization plan is made of. 62 00:11:10.376 --> 00:11:16.900 Chip Meehan: We had a little bit of a conversation yesterday. A few individuals focused on the property itself. And what 63 00:11:16.960 --> 00:11:18.130 Chip Meehan: prostitutes! 64 00:11:18.340 --> 00:11:23.860 Chip Meehan: And, interestingly enough, the studio is here before Yelly River. 65 00:11:24.150 --> 00:11:29.660 Chip Meehan: So we have 55 gross acres. It's the land that we own as part of Bradford, but 66 00:11:29.760 --> 00:11:33.510 Chip Meehan: almost 7 acres of it is taken up by the Channel. 67 00:11:33.800 --> 00:11:34.720 Chip Meehan: and the record 68 00:11:34.910 --> 00:11:46.100 Chip Meehan: that's now an easement that runs through our property. So flood control, county agencies, national agencies, local agencies have jurisdiction over that. But it remains a part of our property. 69 00:11:46.240 --> 00:11:50.299 Chip Meehan: and what that really says is, we have opportunities to 70 00:11:50.922 --> 00:11:55.637 Chip Meehan: not only improve the condition on our edges, but improve the conditions 71 00:11:56.080 --> 00:12:00.739 Chip Meehan: as they move through the community. And so the La river plant itself. Today, you can see. 72 00:12:01.020 --> 00:12:13.199 Chip Meehan: Have the the river that bisects the south lot and the north lot. That's a Hunga wash that's on our eastern edge, and then at either end you can see the bike in the ped paths for the La River. 73 00:12:13.200 --> 00:12:42.079 Chip Meehan: They terminate, they terminate into the studio. It's the missing tooth in this whole pathway. And so, as part of this project, we want to work hand in hand with City, we want to make sure that we're consistent and aligned with the La River Master Plan, and so part of that is making sure that we now provide connections while balancing security and operations of the studio. So there's never been public access through the studio. It's always been private and secure, and that's part of our operational requirements. Make sure that we provide that to our tenants and our clients. 74 00:12:42.180 --> 00:12:54.630 Chip Meehan: But to make sure that we're working consistently with the La River Master Plan, we want to help implement 2 main components. One would be a class or bike lane on Radford. Sorry, Mark. Go back real quick. 75 00:12:56.650 --> 00:13:25.909 Chip Meehan: a class 4 bike way on Radford. And then we also want to tie in through the Moorpark Bridge with a series of ramps and stairs to get people from street level down to the La River Master Plan. So this, this component here on that side of the wash, would be part of the La River Master Plan improvements through the city. But we want to make sure that we're coordinated. We're tied in so that we can actually make sure that this gap that was originally here and here now becomes a functional walk and bike path, not only for everybody along the river, but also 76 00:13:26.940 --> 00:13:30.319 Chip Meehan: it's on the east side of the river, correct east side of the river. 77 00:13:31.280 --> 00:13:33.919 Chip Meehan: We'll talk a little bit more about what happens on the west side of the river. 78 00:13:34.000 --> 00:13:50.880 Chip Meehan: So this is what the Radford bike path would look like. So you can imagine particularly, let's say, on the north side of the La River you would still have 2 sides of parking 2 lanes of traffic. But what we would have now is a new separated bike path. 79 00:13:50.880 --> 00:14:07.979 Chip Meehan: an enhanced pen path. And this is part of the setback and frontage area that we'll talk about. So that's where the current art walk is the art pieces that are on the north side of Radford. So that'll be enhanced. Landscaping, enhanced lighting renovation to the art pieces themselves, making sure it's safe. 80 00:14:08.020 --> 00:14:10.660 Chip Meehan: But what this is trying to balance 81 00:14:10.940 --> 00:14:19.409 Chip Meehan: is community safety, but also with community bikeability and walkability and then tying it into the overall regional network of the. 82 00:14:19.820 --> 00:14:25.690 Chip Meehan: So as we move north, so we were just looking, let's say, in that zone as we move north 83 00:14:26.460 --> 00:14:29.117 Chip Meehan: the Radford. Sorry the Moorpark 84 00:14:29.580 --> 00:14:40.330 Chip Meehan: connector in terms of our bridge. So this would be the northern, the new northern entry to the studio block. I thought we weren't doing transportation tonight. We're doing it at the next meeting. 85 00:14:40.350 --> 00:14:57.800 Chip Meehan: And this is so. I'm not talking about transportation. I'm talking about offsite improvements that talk that's the road surrounding. And we're looking at surrounding takes movement. I think there's transportation. But I think there's people here that haven't heard all about this we get. I don't. I think there is. 86 00:14:57.960 --> 00:14:59.189 Chip Meehan: I'd like to hear about. 87 00:14:59.410 --> 00:15:00.450 Chip Meehan: Yeah, yeah. 88 00:15:00.500 --> 00:15:02.460 Chip Meehan: okay. I'm happy to 89 00:15:02.932 --> 00:15:15.750 Chip Meehan: so as we come up rather. But we're also off the agenda because the agenda actually says response to questions that arose July 10.th It's not all this recapped. 90 00:15:16.060 --> 00:15:18.600 Chip Meehan: So we're off the agenda 91 00:15:20.160 --> 00:15:21.389 Chip Meehan: all the reason. 92 00:15:23.190 --> 00:15:30.860 Chip Meehan: But we but we haven't gotten today. Sometimes. That's a question. I look at every question. 93 00:15:31.950 --> 00:15:36.030 Chip Meehan: I just don't want to be here for 2 h again and half of it. 94 00:15:36.260 --> 00:15:39.926 Chip Meehan: Everything we've heard for 5 different meetings. 95 00:15:40.600 --> 00:15:41.370 Chip Meehan: Okay? 96 00:15:42.826 --> 00:15:47.460 Chip Meehan: And I appreciate that some people have been here for every meeting. 97 00:15:47.500 --> 00:15:54.440 Chip Meehan: I want to make sure that everybody's walking out of this room with equal and honest information. It's not a game of telephone. So I want to make sure I'm able to walk 98 00:15:54.580 --> 00:15:57.691 Chip Meehan: components of the project. I'll get through quickly. 99 00:15:58.180 --> 00:16:26.780 Chip Meehan: just to summarize. This is the new bridge that's proposed as part of the project it would come across Radford, it would connect to More Park. We would make sure that no through traffic would happen for vehicles to here. This would be purely a standpoint. Production survey production. Vehicles would come in and out, and employees would come in and out through here, and this is the component of the project, I was saying would help Link. What's happening at the La River at Radford? Bring them north, connect them down, and here you can see the Washington 100 00:16:27.310 --> 00:16:31.670 Chip Meehan: just to help give people an idea. This is what you see today. Looking at Radford, looking south. 101 00:16:31.880 --> 00:16:40.340 Chip Meehan: you can see barricades and ballers. You can see new gateway, our parking facilities, and you can see wayfinding and whatnot ramps and stairs down to the La River. 102 00:16:40.660 --> 00:17:02.000 Chip Meehan: This is an image that's standing at the bridge on Radford. So it's currently the terminus of the bike way. If you're coming east, you come up to this sidewalk here, and then you look north. And so what you see today is the dead end. You see the stage buildings. And what this helps show is that the North lot largely is not going to change in terms of function and impact mass. 103 00:17:02.425 --> 00:17:05.979 Chip Meehan: What we show here is the new parking garage. 104 00:17:06.440 --> 00:17:11.939 Chip Meehan: and what you can see here is the top of the new production office building that's situated 105 00:17:12.030 --> 00:17:33.199 Chip Meehan: behind these stage buildings. You can just make out the roof form, and the other component is, you can see is the enhanced landscape of setback zone, street lighting the bike path as it would come along. And then from this side you can see again. Kind of the dead end the barriers for vehicle traffic. But allowing pedestrian bikes to come to come through there. 106 00:17:34.370 --> 00:18:04.240 Chip Meehan: So the next part of the plan. So that's that's 7 acres of land, and how that's treated both inside and on the edges of the lot. The next component of this is obviously not every building on the lot needs to be taken down and replaced with the new building. There are new functional facilities here, some of which are over 100 years old, or nearly 100. Excuse me, and so you can see the facilities that are being retained on both the North and the South. Lot, and you can slowly see how that 55 acres is starting to be, you know, taken up with various components of the plan. 107 00:18:04.290 --> 00:18:06.439 Chip Meehan: So here we are on the south lot 108 00:18:06.680 --> 00:18:16.549 Chip Meehan: just to Orient, everybody, the Radford Gate, Max Senate Building and the Admin building stage stages 9 and 10. We're sitting right in the center here in Mp. 7, 109 00:18:16.710 --> 00:18:46.420 Chip Meehan: and then you can see stages 2 and 3 where it's the Mtm facilities a more modern parking garage. And then the mill building, which many people saw yesterday on a tour. As we move to the north lot. And, as I said, the layers of the onion grew north and out. So the north lot is our more modern side of the project. This is where our larger, newer facilities exist. Stages 2122 and 23. These are very similar to a modern sound stages. We talked about them. Plan is proposing. 110 00:18:46.757 --> 00:19:08.690 Chip Meehan: They have both large format sound stages at the ground level. They also have support and production space below grade. So it works as a layered environment. And then you have the broadcast building, which is a mix of smaller format, sound stages, production office production support and the creative office component. So this is a little microcosm of the ecosystem that I'll talk about. 111 00:19:08.930 --> 00:19:12.119 Chip Meehan: So you're saying all those buildings are being saved. Correct? 112 00:19:12.310 --> 00:19:13.770 Chip Meehan: That's right. 113 00:19:15.260 --> 00:19:17.779 Chip Meehan: yeah. So next the layer in is 114 00:19:18.090 --> 00:19:39.640 Chip Meehan: where the gates are and where the parking is, and how that starts to build. And we have great parking facilities as they are today. But clearly we need to provide more parking in the future. So you can see the 2 main parking facilities, one on the north lot with the direct entry, one on one on the south lot with the direct parking entry, one on the north lot, which is accessed through an internal bridge and our other gateways. 115 00:19:39.640 --> 00:19:50.609 Chip Meehan: and then you can see the other studio gates right now with the 3 orange dots meaning primary gateways, and then the orange circles, secondary limited access. 116 00:19:51.090 --> 00:20:00.389 Chip Meehan: So what we want to do here, we're enhancing the plan. We're bringing more programs to the site. That means more people and more. So we have to bring parking facilities. 117 00:20:00.400 --> 00:20:15.179 Chip Meehan: So it felt logical to help distribute parking across the site, closely proximate to the new gates or the existing gates, so that as cars come in they could quickly get to their parking spaces, get out of the cars, and then they can walk a lot, get on their bikes, get on their golf carts, whatever it might be. 118 00:20:15.240 --> 00:20:30.150 Chip Meehan: so you can see, in addition to the north lot, this is the parking garage. So the image that we were just looking here, looking north, the parking garage. I was pointing out the same height as the existing garage just expanded in that footprint where we currently have smaller level bungalows. 119 00:20:30.380 --> 00:20:42.689 Chip Meehan: The other new parking garage is at Colfax Gate so very much as we have the entry off of Colfax today. With security further tucked in, we would have a parking garage at that corner. So 120 00:20:43.310 --> 00:20:44.210 Chip Meehan: what had 121 00:20:45.030 --> 00:20:46.170 Chip Meehan: 75 feet? 122 00:20:47.321 --> 00:20:52.139 Chip Meehan: And so what we want to make sure is as we're coming in signalized gateways 123 00:20:52.460 --> 00:20:56.279 Chip Meehan: that we have the ability to get into parking as quickly as possible. 124 00:20:56.350 --> 00:21:00.779 Chip Meehan: and then the other part of this which you don't get to see is the below grade parking. 125 00:21:00.930 --> 00:21:03.999 Chip Meehan: So the existing garage at Seder has a below grade level. 126 00:21:04.070 --> 00:21:11.170 Chip Meehan: The new structure here would have a below grade level, and then we would have a large reservoir here of 3 levels below grade. 127 00:21:11.210 --> 00:21:13.050 Chip Meehan: So how high is the North? One 128 00:21:13.590 --> 00:21:14.730 Chip Meehan: 60. 129 00:21:15.300 --> 00:21:21.289 Chip Meehan: So is it the same height as the other parking garage on the north? Yes. 130 00:21:21.590 --> 00:21:25.379 Chip Meehan: that's it's not 75, 60, 60 feet. Yeah. 131 00:21:25.760 --> 00:21:34.489 Chip Meehan: But you're going to go to 75 on Colfax, this one. How far back was it? Which one sorry that the the Colfax. 132 00:21:34.990 --> 00:21:38.060 Chip Meehan: This actually is what? Maybe about a hundred feet. 133 00:21:38.370 --> 00:21:41.720 Chip Meehan: Yeah, 7,500 feet. Yes. 134 00:21:45.500 --> 00:21:46.680 Chip Meehan: looking like 135 00:21:47.340 --> 00:21:55.180 Chip Meehan: loud. That's good no. No parking garages are really difficult to step, because we have 136 00:21:55.180 --> 00:22:21.359 Chip Meehan: columns that go straight up and down and but we are talking about screening so that we can screen the facades. So it's not just parking space. You can do like the parking garage next to the La River. It's got like the fake windows on it that makes it look like a building and not a parking garage. Yeah, so you could do that again. There's a whole lot of different ways. If you know, if you're familiar with the universal garage, it's camouflaged. So it actually looks like a green wall 137 00:22:21.692 --> 00:22:33.849 Chip Meehan: or fake facade about how. And there's a lot of different treatments we could have. The idea is to treat the edges so that when you're on the exterior you don't read it as a park garage as much live green as possible. 138 00:22:34.190 --> 00:22:44.430 Chip Meehan: and the balance there, I'll just talk through it, and actually tell me if I'm wrong here. The balance of it is, you know, we don't want to over promise how green upper levels can be, because it's hard to get landscape to grow at 60 feet. 139 00:22:44.590 --> 00:22:48.189 Chip Meehan: But there are ways you look at the one along the river. 140 00:22:48.570 --> 00:23:11.070 Chip Meehan: There are vines growing up, probably 60 feet. It's amazing on that. On that building the vines have really grown over the years I want to, under promise and over deliver versus over promise. So I I agree with you. It's possible the triple Indie. 141 00:23:12.600 --> 00:23:32.029 Chip Meehan: So I just want to go back over to the blundered parking. The blood rate parking here is important, because what it does is it helps link the new carpenter gate. So as you come in the carpenter gate, you dive right down. That parking. The parking is here because this is where the largest amount of square footage is concentrated. So we wanted to make sure that people to get in and out really quickly into the facilities. 142 00:23:32.120 --> 00:23:48.300 Chip Meehan: and it also helps link our below grade level. For example, this zone here is a lower level production support and base camp zone. So this sits beneath the river stages very much like it does today. There's a lower level of production, support, access and base camp along that edge. 143 00:23:48.310 --> 00:23:59.919 Chip Meehan: This is an expanded version, but we're now able to tie it into our gateways so that smaller production vehicles can get up and down through the garage into these spaces versus only along the river. 144 00:24:02.189 --> 00:24:06.140 Chip Meehan: and the next layer of this is then circulation within the lot. 145 00:24:06.390 --> 00:24:12.550 Chip Meehan: It's great that we can get people to the edges. It's great that we can get people to the parking garages. But how do we get production vehicles, 146 00:24:12.970 --> 00:24:25.510 Chip Meehan: and goods and and equipment through the lot? Today, as you've driven in as you walk a lot, you know. It's kind of a rat's maze of sort of different pathways, some larger roads, smaller roads through all of the various facilities. 147 00:24:25.600 --> 00:24:35.579 Chip Meehan: And that's really an outcome of the studio being developed over the 100 years. You know, you have one. Need you build something here, another. Need you build something here, and that really wreaked havoc on the circulation patterns. 148 00:24:35.610 --> 00:24:43.779 Chip Meehan: So one of the things we spent a lot of time on was making sure that circulation was one direct and efficient from our gateways and our project entries. 149 00:24:43.930 --> 00:24:52.699 Chip Meehan: 2. That it was consolidated and simplified, so that, you know production vehicles which are large and cumbersome, have an easy way of navigating the lot. 150 00:24:52.790 --> 00:25:03.309 Chip Meehan: and that 3 we can help provide. Now direct access loading and lay by zones so that the stage facilities themselves work more efficiently and effectively. 151 00:25:07.140 --> 00:25:17.420 Chip Meehan: So part of this mobility side. So now that we have circulation, we have parking for the vehicles. We've talked about. Production vehicles moving through the lot is now the mobility side. I'm not going to touch on the components of 152 00:25:17.600 --> 00:25:27.350 Chip Meehan: the data. We'll save that for next time, but just to help locate it. Since there's a couple of questions about this, we have 2 mobility hubs on campus. We have one on the south lot. Sorry, Mark, real quick 153 00:25:27.720 --> 00:25:43.350 Chip Meehan: one on the south lot here, which would be taking the surface lot at Radford, which has the security Booth repurposing that as part of the mobility hub. And so, Brian, that's accessible. That's the executive lot now accessible through the Radford Gate. Priscilla. You were asking about this yesterday. That's right. 154 00:25:43.370 --> 00:26:00.030 Chip Meehan: That's right. Okay, exactly. Bradford's here. Yes, this is the the gray concrete. So the alley is right behind here, right right here. That's right? 155 00:26:00.070 --> 00:26:02.379 Chip Meehan: So ventural boulevards down here. Yeah. 156 00:26:03.160 --> 00:26:12.940 Chip Meehan: So this would be in the South plot. So if you come right in, some mobility, functions are taking up, taken and taken care of upfront, and then, equally, we have one on the north lot and 157 00:26:12.950 --> 00:26:17.009 Chip Meehan: use a little bit of imagination here with me. You can see this dashed line. 158 00:26:17.070 --> 00:26:29.470 Chip Meehan: If you can, you can follow my finger. It's the extension of the actual garage. But what we've done just from a graphic standpoint is, pull it off and take it away so you can see the ground floor of that parking garage 159 00:26:29.660 --> 00:26:35.790 Chip Meehan: in this corner would be the mobility hub in the north lot. So if you're coming 160 00:26:35.960 --> 00:26:37.640 Chip Meehan: through the Moorpark Gate. 161 00:26:38.130 --> 00:26:39.100 Chip Meehan: come in. 162 00:26:39.470 --> 00:26:44.499 Chip Meehan: I'm in this drive. So we're talking about just yesterday on the northern side of the northern lot. 163 00:26:44.730 --> 00:26:53.130 Chip Meehan: You'd come into parking immediately at the gate, or from a mobility perspective you carry on and come to the lower level ground level. Excuse me 164 00:26:53.510 --> 00:27:01.159 Chip Meehan: of the parking garage. So it'd be similar functions, north and south, having them distributed across the north lot. And the south lot 165 00:27:01.910 --> 00:27:24.810 Chip Meehan: ensures that someone who's working up here doesn't have to get dropped off here and walk across the entire lot. We can actually say, Go to either and make it more comfortable and direct as a user of mobility. The goal here is to make sure it's a 1st class experience. So people actually want to use it, not make it more difficult for people. So this is a view of the Radford Gate today. It shows you a couple of things here. One is 166 00:27:24.870 --> 00:27:37.949 Chip Meehan: 2 of the Anchor buildings, the Max Senate Building and the Dworski Building, which is the Admin building. Those are being retained to the facilities we're keeping. They're also components to our historic strategy on law in terms of retaining those. 167 00:27:38.180 --> 00:27:49.489 Chip Meehan: And then you can see Mark. Go forward, please. You can see now the new gate. The security. Booth is pushed further back from Radford. So that means there's more queuing space, more space for our vehicles to come onto the lot. 168 00:27:49.530 --> 00:27:52.759 Chip Meehan: You can see the mobility hub which is in this zone. 169 00:27:53.020 --> 00:28:03.250 Chip Meehan: And what we're also trying to do along the Radford edge to a pedestrian experience is where we can, is make it more transparent and interactive to the community. 170 00:28:03.747 --> 00:28:18.750 Chip Meehan: Where we don't have sensitive functions that are really revolving around the production environments, and the creative atmospheres where they need to be a little bit more pink, but where we can is provide visibility, more landscaping, greenery, talking about trees. 171 00:28:18.750 --> 00:28:34.609 Chip Meehan: keeping the mature trees in this zone in particular. So that the look and feel of this corner doesn't really change. It just gets cleaned up modernized, and where we can make operations more efficient for the studio and better for the community on this edge, moving those aspects. 172 00:28:35.990 --> 00:28:51.029 Chip Meehan: This is the Colfax side. This will say that in the other above ground garage. Here you can see this is largely our production vehicle gate. It will remain largely our production vehicle gate. But understanding that we're trying to distribute traffic and trips to all of our studio gates. 173 00:28:51.030 --> 00:29:13.359 Chip Meehan: This is that parking facility. So like we were talking about with screening. The idea is here that we would have some sort of architectural. This is Colfax. This is the. This is the eastern terminus of the La River path. As we were saying earlier, so that would come up and under the bridge, and this would be a way to get down on the north side of Colfax and back down to the to the pathway. 174 00:29:13.600 --> 00:29:15.590 Chip Meehan: One of these stories that work 175 00:29:15.850 --> 00:29:16.570 Chip Meehan: perfect. 176 00:29:17.110 --> 00:29:31.429 Chip Meehan: 6 plus roof. Yeah. 6 plus roof. So 7 total, 7 floors of parking. But it's a 6 story structure. So there's nothing subterranean there, that's all surface level up 177 00:29:31.840 --> 00:29:40.850 Chip Meehan: 3 levels down is that long that goes clear to the corporate levels, including subterranean or how many? 7, 178 00:29:41.580 --> 00:29:43.270 Chip Meehan: 10 stepping in through 179 00:29:44.400 --> 00:29:45.220 Chip Meehan: 10, 180 00:29:46.490 --> 00:29:49.330 Chip Meehan: parking on the counties level. But it's not a structure 181 00:29:50.581 --> 00:30:09.168 Chip Meehan: but the goal. Here, as we were saying, I'm sorry, real quick with screening from a visual standpoint. Particularly, we have public facing edges is to make them as soft in the parking as much as we can, and bring that down both from a perspective as well. And that's part of the 75 foot 182 00:30:10.220 --> 00:30:12.930 Chip Meehan: with tall area. 183 00:30:13.090 --> 00:30:18.890 Chip Meehan: It's part of the it's part of the height zone. Yes, and I think I actually mixed up. I think this is closer to 60 to 65 feet. 184 00:30:19.310 --> 00:30:22.800 Chip Meehan: Yeah, I think we have a. We have a tall, taller ground floor, and then 185 00:30:22.810 --> 00:30:28.859 Chip Meehan: the 5 levels of normal parking plus 3. So it's not quite 70. Excuse me. 186 00:30:29.980 --> 00:30:34.479 Chip Meehan: Question off the top of my head. I don't know. We get back to you on that one. Yeah. 187 00:30:36.250 --> 00:30:50.860 Chip Meehan: I have a certain number of facts memorized. Not not all I know. So we wanted to talk about here with the next component. And this is really the component that takes up the most most land on the studio. It's the sound stages. The sound stages. As we'll talk about 188 00:30:50.910 --> 00:31:18.219 Chip Meehan: are large footprint, large format volumes, single level buildings. They're landhogs. They are not multi-story buildings that you can do a lot with in the same space buildings or single story volumes equal to a 4 story building, so you can see kind of the inefficiency as a land use and some of the hurdle we're left with. So what you can see here again, existing stages to remain. 189 00:31:18.690 --> 00:31:22.800 Chip Meehan: and then you can see the new sound stages that we have in here. So we've got 190 00:31:22.850 --> 00:31:24.270 Chip Meehan: cluster of 191 00:31:24.460 --> 00:31:33.579 Chip Meehan: 3 threes here, and we have a quad of stages in this zone right in the center. And then what you can see in the Yellow Hatch area 192 00:31:33.990 --> 00:31:36.120 Chip Meehan: is production, access 193 00:31:36.130 --> 00:31:45.139 Chip Meehan: loading and base camp. So we want to make sure as part of this plan. It's not just putting the sound stages in and the other pieces of the program in. But we need to make sure it's operational. 194 00:31:45.170 --> 00:31:58.589 Chip Meehan: And so that's taking away some buildings to make sure. Then we have breathing room for base camp and spaces where we can actually store vehicles near short and longer term. And then, when we have directly adjacent to the stages that we can actually 195 00:31:58.590 --> 00:32:20.120 Chip Meehan: pull vehicles right up to that stage door, load in and load out. Sorry, real quick. Can you go back to that one? Yeah, on on the 1st set of 3 on the left, and then the second set of 3. There's a building in between that 1st and second 3. What is that building the zone? Yeah. So there's no building there. We call it affectionately pizza Park. 196 00:32:20.577 --> 00:32:43.169 Chip Meehan: Shaped like a pie slice this, and what we've tried to do in these zones in particular, is break up those long masses. So it actually acts as a a break as building. And so I'll show you what we have in this zone in particular, is a way to open it up. We know today that there's a break in the sound stage. 197 00:32:43.170 --> 00:32:55.249 Chip Meehan: It's a, it's a staging zone. It's a base camp zone. It's a a production gathering zone. It's really meant to be flexible space that doesn't exist today. 198 00:32:55.710 --> 00:33:18.200 Chip Meehan: We will have. We will have trucks on the studio lot. But to that point one of the reasons why the sound stages are arranged this way, because right now there's a fairly open gap here, and a fairly open gap here that bleeds out into the community across the wash. And so one of the things that this does is really try to keep the sound and noise and light inside the studio lot. 199 00:33:18.471 --> 00:33:37.780 Chip Meehan: We still have breaks, because we want to make sure it's not just one solid mass, but by forming that it forms a little sound wall of buildings itself. So the operations that you can see. The the intensity of those base camps are largely in the center inside of those buildings, but what you can see here is now these are all the parts and pieces I've been walking through 200 00:33:37.930 --> 00:33:47.210 Chip Meehan: as we've kind of utilized the 55 acres, and how quickly 55 acres gets used up when we're talking about 18 and 20,000 square foot footprints. 201 00:33:47.615 --> 00:33:54.880 Chip Meehan: And so you can see we're left with 14 acres to get this last series of components into the lot. Better 202 00:33:55.690 --> 00:33:58.099 Chip Meehan: people want to be where they can 203 00:33:59.730 --> 00:34:00.679 Chip Meehan: go to 204 00:34:03.710 --> 00:34:04.870 Chip Meehan: showing you all the different 205 00:34:05.340 --> 00:34:06.360 Chip Meehan: I'll function. 206 00:34:07.900 --> 00:34:09.520 Chip Meehan: One of the questions he had was 207 00:34:10.120 --> 00:34:11.230 Chip Meehan: where everything 208 00:34:11.400 --> 00:34:12.400 Chip Meehan: have you got? 209 00:34:12.639 --> 00:34:13.300 Chip Meehan: Yeah? 210 00:34:16.860 --> 00:34:38.659 Chip Meehan: And so the component that I was just talking about the evolution of why it's such a critical part of the studio environment. Is, we are growing in these smaller 10 to 12,000 square foot stages. Originally, we're now between 18 and 25,000 square feet. 50, 50, 40 to 50 feet clear, so that structure and a roof. These are large 211 00:34:38.679 --> 00:34:51.089 Chip Meehan: volumes. There are large buildings, but this is the heart and soul of production campus. And then this next component of it is understanding that while the production activities largely happen in the sound stages, what takes 212 00:34:51.090 --> 00:35:11.049 Chip Meehan: that kind of raw material and turns it into content, happens with the production office, the production support and the creative office. So it's really this whole ecosystem of various uses that come together to make sure that what's produced on those lots on the stages excuse me, comes and can be streamed, you know, in in our homes and in the theaters. 213 00:35:11.569 --> 00:35:41.120 Chip Meehan: This is the base camp. If anyone's never seen a real base camp. It's a parking lot for production vehicles. It's a place where we can load and unload equipment. It's a place where sets are moved in and out of trucks. It's where we store our vehicles when they're not in use or additional supports. Star wagons, trailers, dressing rooms. Sometimes we have digital broadcast trailers. If there's a live broadcast coming in, and they need satellite functions, those come and plug. 214 00:35:41.120 --> 00:35:55.720 Chip Meehan: Sometimes we have infrastructure, so it'll be additional air, the additional power site. So all of those zones change on a production by production basis, and they change on a day to day basis. So we need to make sure that these areas 215 00:35:55.760 --> 00:36:15.649 Chip Meehan: are directly adjacent to the sound stages, that they are open and clear of obstructions. We had some questions about trees and power and light, and some of these parking lots and production vehicles and trees just don't mix well together. Particularly when you're stacking them and moving them on a on a daily basis. 216 00:36:16.720 --> 00:36:37.580 Chip Meehan: So this is to help just envision that kind of central Base camp zone that I was talking about. So this would be the the back end of those stages. The La River Tonga wash would be on the backside. This is kind of the heart of the production environment. So this is where, like the hustle and the bustle and activity of production would be happening in the very center of the lot within the sound stages on the periphery. 217 00:36:39.810 --> 00:36:48.640 Chip Meehan: Wanted to talk a little bit here about the periphery in terms of signage. I'll talk a little bit about this very briefly on one of our last conversations. 218 00:36:48.650 --> 00:36:54.090 Chip Meehan: but to touch upon the exterior types of signs. That would be a part of this project 219 00:36:54.110 --> 00:36:56.910 Chip Meehan: that would be handled both 220 00:36:57.335 --> 00:37:24.430 Chip Meehan: through the specific plan, but also the sign district. And so what you can see here are the various types of signs that would be on the exterior or visible from the exterior of the site. So we have super graphics which would be similar to what you see on most studio lots that are advertising the latest release, the newest production we have building ids, so like you've seen Cbs for many years, they would have a Cbs building sign at the top of it. 221 00:37:25.361 --> 00:37:45.279 Chip Meehan: We have gateways and monuments. So you know our studio gates, they would have signs that would announce Gates. You're at what studio entry you're in monument signs would have some of the tenants. Ids! If they so wanted, it could also be way finding and direction. So as you're coming up to the gates, you can understand. 222 00:37:45.460 --> 00:37:51.490 Chip Meehan: Gate one for Xyz productions or Gate 2 down to the west. For 223 00:37:52.060 --> 00:38:04.639 Chip Meehan: ABC productions. The other side is studio signs and super graphics. They're fairly similar. It's just the way that they attach to the materials they are. So it's a very similar thing. And then the other component of this would be murals. 224 00:38:04.970 --> 00:38:27.570 Chip Meehan: large scale murals that would be painted directly on the surface, or attached directly to the surface of some of these buildings. And so those parts and pieces come together and they're managed through our sign district. And the important part of the sign district is one. There's no exterior digital signage. There's no flashing walls and digital signage on the outside of the studio. 225 00:38:27.927 --> 00:38:34.330 Chip Meehan: We have maximum areas that we can put into the perimeter. As I was saying, those exterior facing signs. 226 00:38:34.590 --> 00:38:37.940 Chip Meehan: yeah, we just talked about our project perimeter and on the river. 227 00:38:38.220 --> 00:38:39.750 Chip Meehan: Those are regulated. 228 00:38:39.760 --> 00:38:54.889 Chip Meehan: And then we also have as part of our side guidelines. Inside district will be limitations on luminance and Blair and hours of operation to make sure that the light activities that we have particularly on the street edges and the river edges. 229 00:38:55.130 --> 00:39:01.130 Chip Meehan: beat code or matching local standards and keep light levels low on the edges. 230 00:39:01.140 --> 00:39:04.550 Chip Meehan: while we're able to maintain in the middle, as you can imagine 231 00:39:04.560 --> 00:39:11.200 Chip Meehan: active production environments that have a higher level of intensity lighting to allow our productions to occur into the evening hours. 232 00:39:11.470 --> 00:39:12.860 Chip Meehan: I just wanna be great. 233 00:39:13.360 --> 00:39:14.180 Chip Meehan: Okay, we 234 00:39:14.540 --> 00:39:16.300 Chip Meehan: current district. 235 00:39:17.080 --> 00:39:18.940 Chip Meehan: not advertising 236 00:39:19.620 --> 00:39:21.710 Chip Meehan: all on site. 237 00:39:24.730 --> 00:39:25.850 Chip Meehan: Many good parts 238 00:39:27.130 --> 00:39:28.160 Chip Meehan: regulation. 239 00:39:30.550 --> 00:39:33.699 Chip Meehan: Just wanted to make sure if some people were sick, I know. 240 00:39:33.960 --> 00:39:36.220 Chip Meehan: Sorry for finding this 241 00:39:36.350 --> 00:39:37.150 Chip Meehan: advertising. 242 00:39:37.460 --> 00:39:45.330 Chip Meehan: But there's not going to be any subconvenience along the river 243 00:39:45.380 --> 00:39:55.850 Chip Meehan: or wash, I mean, I can't even see a reason, because you'd only be facing the condos. Why would you want to advertise to the few people that live in the condos 244 00:39:56.060 --> 00:39:57.290 Chip Meehan: so great? 245 00:39:57.310 --> 00:40:07.129 Chip Meehan: So so I mean, we would want you to say you're not going to put signage there. Well, let me help answer your question before you come to the Constitution. So you asked the question, why we would want signage. 246 00:40:07.300 --> 00:40:17.779 Chip Meehan: Why, we would want signage. There is, we want to advertise what's happening a lot. The activities of that are happening within people want to promote that businesses that are happening, businesses that want to come here. They want to promote their content. 247 00:40:17.850 --> 00:40:29.969 Chip Meehan: We want to provide as many opportunities we can to promote it. It's been a studio promoting it to Condos across the the river. Yeah, so we haven't. We don't see that we have a lot of vehicles coming up and down pullbacks 248 00:40:30.060 --> 00:40:40.049 Chip Meehan: on a daily basis. There's a big, wide view corridor as you're at that bridge. It's also the part where the Ellie River, whether you believe it or not, a very active component of the community 249 00:40:40.270 --> 00:40:42.000 Chip Meehan: bikes and pedestrians. 250 00:40:42.020 --> 00:40:52.199 Chip Meehan: This will be a more active space in the future. So there will be people on bikes. There will be people walking. There will be people driving by. So we view it as a 251 00:40:52.210 --> 00:40:55.390 Chip Meehan: visible edge, where we can help promote what we do 252 00:40:55.540 --> 00:41:03.359 Chip Meehan: a lot for our clients. But the Rio even has regulations on signage. They, I believe. 253 00:41:03.765 --> 00:41:28.240 Chip Meehan: because they're not trying to make it a commercial corridor. Well, so actually, so they have a if you're riding your bike or walking, so they have limitations on lighting levels. So we want to make sure it's not overly intense along a river, but the other side of it. The Rio is really meant to help activate and engage and drive activity to the river. It's not meant to be a concrete channel that doesn't get used or have a bike path, so they want us to have 254 00:41:28.280 --> 00:41:33.460 Chip Meehan: active edges connected to edges. They want people to be engaged with the long term city policy. 255 00:41:33.530 --> 00:41:40.839 Chip Meehan: And so there's a balance between that. It's been very quiet and very sleepy for a very long time, and it's been used in a certain way. But long, long range policy 256 00:41:41.060 --> 00:41:53.519 Chip Meehan: wants it to be active and wants it to be engaged if anyone's been through them again. They're not advertising. We're promoting what's happening on the street. That's advertising, which you want a lot. 257 00:41:53.560 --> 00:42:04.430 Chip Meehan: And we think that's a great benefit to the success of the lot. So that's why we're doing. I can see the monument signs, you know, Radford Studio center. But 258 00:42:04.430 --> 00:42:29.130 Chip Meehan: you know, having something facing the river, that's you know, for a show. I just think it's inappropriate, and and Sharon lives in the Condos she shouldn't have. She should be looking on them, facing 259 00:42:29.130 --> 00:42:39.509 Chip Meehan: the poor people that live in. Okay, we'll discuss that when we come back to it. Clearly, we need to have an animated conversation about about signage without question. 260 00:42:39.895 --> 00:42:42.920 Chip Meehan: And we'll weigh all sides of it, all sides of it. 261 00:42:43.170 --> 00:42:45.320 Chip Meehan: Well, as with anything. There's balance 262 00:42:45.650 --> 00:42:51.950 Chip Meehan: so we wanted to show you the balance of what a mural approach could possibly be on those same sound stages. 263 00:42:52.249 --> 00:43:09.110 Chip Meehan: And what this shows you. As I was saying, one of the sign exterior sign components we have is murals. So looking at these sound stages, and this is the idea again, pointing to an example that maybe you're familiar with would be universal, that have taken the garage and camouflaged it with greenery and trees and patterns to try and make it blend into 264 00:43:09.540 --> 00:43:20.420 Chip Meehan: the landscape. The channel is open. It's 150 feet wide. It will remain open. There's only so much you can do to camouflage soundstage buildings. So what we've talked about before. 265 00:43:20.800 --> 00:43:39.100 Chip Meehan: maybe we'll leave what happens on the face for a point of conversation, more detail at a later time. But the other component of this is trying to green and soften the edge of the sound stage and production support level. So you might know today, it's a vertical face with production, support, and soundstage 266 00:43:39.450 --> 00:43:45.539 Chip Meehan: down below. We still want and have that production support, activity. But the activity was on the other side. 267 00:43:45.620 --> 00:43:49.909 Chip Meehan: so the production, that lower level production support just like it is today 268 00:43:50.070 --> 00:43:52.330 Chip Meehan: along the river. That's where it's noisy. 269 00:43:52.590 --> 00:44:03.549 Chip Meehan: That's I, I. And so part of that operationally is bringing that stuff inside versus having it sit on the outside all over. Correct? Yes. Well, so there's 2 levels. Maybe I can help explain. 270 00:44:04.110 --> 00:44:15.419 Chip Meehan: The La River level is here where there's the current production support. And then what I was speaking to was elevated. And inside the lot they're 2 different grades. They're just separated by the sound stage. 271 00:44:15.580 --> 00:44:37.519 Chip Meehan: so we would still have the production support. That is there, but more of it tucked inside and connected to the interior parking. So we can push more of it in versus having it happen on the road. We still have access along the road for driving, and then on the other side of those sound stages would be that larger zone that I was talking about that had the base camps and the flexible areas. 272 00:44:38.039 --> 00:45:02.760 Chip Meehan: Is there ability to do some kind of sound baffling within the the lower level area where you're going to have a lot of activity? Yeah, I mean, we saw this with with the Harvard Westlake project. Part of their issue was that they had to put in. It must be 2 inches sound, baffling on the inside of the 16 foot anchor fences they have. So they have the privacy screening 273 00:45:02.760 --> 00:45:19.110 Chip Meehan: which gets to face with graffiti. And on the inside, you actually have this baffling from a construction standpoint well, from a construction standpoint. But I'm flabbergasted about how effective it is. It's still noisy, but much much different than it was. So I'm curious if there's something you can do to put up. 274 00:45:19.480 --> 00:45:26.889 Chip Meehan: I mean, we used to do egg crates when I was a kid, I mean, because you were doing sound baffling, there must be something that could be done to. 275 00:45:28.250 --> 00:45:42.530 Chip Meehan: So I was just gonna say, I mean, and one of the things that we have here. And why we're showing it this way is these are meant to be all kind of accessible. Roll up areas, goods and materials in and out quickly, but they're also meant to come down. 276 00:45:42.992 --> 00:45:56.949 Chip Meehan: So I think what we're what we were trying to do here was balance. Not that these are fully open all the time, but that we can bring them down, close them, turn off, or shut off the activity from bleeding out 277 00:45:57.915 --> 00:46:09.179 Chip Meehan: let's back up. Are you talking traffic fire, marshal requires it to be both ways. I'm pretty sure. 278 00:46:09.330 --> 00:46:28.410 Chip Meehan: Not just the fire, marshal, but it needs to be wide enough to maintain access to the La River, and they're very kind of strict requirements on what happens on either side of the channel. So is it going to be wider than it is now with the existing stages? Because now you can't really park 279 00:46:28.420 --> 00:46:37.920 Chip Meehan: and have to, you know, both ways. So the goal of having all of the parking that we're talking about garages and lowering is that people won't need to park there 280 00:46:38.020 --> 00:46:57.320 Chip Meehan: and then the goal of having the additional base camp at the studio level, and then the additional lower level production support area is that we don't need to double stack cars, and I have only one way access where people are stopped, and then they have to get around. So the goal is to alleviate that condition as much as possible. Again, I I would say this, we can't promise that will be Bill. 281 00:46:57.380 --> 00:47:05.889 Chip Meehan: Of that, none of that activity ever happening. But the goal is to reduce that as much as possible, understanding that's been an ongoing nuisance to the community on on that edge. 282 00:47:06.414 --> 00:47:09.360 Chip Meehan: The other thing I wanted to point out here was 283 00:47:09.480 --> 00:47:13.910 Chip Meehan: 2 things. One was kind of where we can. Landscape 284 00:47:14.200 --> 00:47:35.499 Chip Meehan: is providing, you know, screening here we were talking about yesterday. We can't really plant any mature landscaping hedges, trees on the La River or against the Channel. That just doesn't follow the the regulations that are required, clearance and access and visibility. But against the state wall you want to try and green those up like this Seder garage with with vines. 285 00:47:35.580 --> 00:47:43.149 Chip Meehan: vertical hedges. There's a recess here. So between the production support and the stage, you can see there's a setback 286 00:47:43.250 --> 00:48:00.499 Chip Meehan: where we can try and get potted trees in there, so we can get some vertical coverage, and then again, through a combination of lower level green vines. In this example murals make it feel much more green, much more soft. 287 00:48:00.660 --> 00:48:25.570 Chip Meehan: So you've got a 75 foot structure there. So those so it looked like taller trees. Those are murals. And it's true we can only get such a side mature size in a pot. But that's because we're over structure, and there's no dirt for them to go into it. So we are studying as part of the project looks great. 288 00:48:26.010 --> 00:48:27.519 Chip Meehan: So the the 289 00:48:27.990 --> 00:48:39.910 Chip Meehan: so 2 things we're studying as part of the project both the signs that we looked at and the murals. So we're studying it both ways. What the specific mural is. This is an idea. We would work with 290 00:48:39.980 --> 00:48:49.179 Chip Meehan: community groups who's viewing to to kind of understand this better work with it. Understand? So this is just a conceptual idea of how you're all be treated. 291 00:48:49.903 --> 00:48:57.240 Chip Meehan: And then sorry the other component. I just want to say about why we have this view is we wanted to show how the sound stages are broken up 292 00:48:57.440 --> 00:49:00.169 Chip Meehan: right now. It's just one wall. 293 00:49:00.210 --> 00:49:17.630 Chip Meehan: And so we've tried to step the upper part back. We've broken up the sound stages. We've provided gaps and movement, so it feels like there's at least articulation movement, light coming through more than there would be just one solid wall across all the walking path on the east side. 294 00:49:17.870 --> 00:49:19.999 Chip Meehan: So we own the dirt. 295 00:49:20.572 --> 00:49:22.740 Chip Meehan: La City, early county 296 00:49:22.970 --> 00:49:25.960 Chip Meehan: school maintainment, La City, La County. 297 00:49:25.990 --> 00:49:29.959 Chip Meehan: who will enforce the homeless there? La City, La County. 298 00:49:30.660 --> 00:49:32.570 Chip Meehan: That's part of the River mountain 299 00:49:33.240 --> 00:49:34.460 Chip Meehan: they got. 300 00:49:34.600 --> 00:49:35.570 Chip Meehan: believe 301 00:49:36.720 --> 00:49:37.610 Chip Meehan: 40 12. 302 00:49:40.080 --> 00:49:41.649 Chip Meehan: They just got a grant. 303 00:49:42.200 --> 00:49:45.119 Chip Meehan: I think the Assembly number is more treatment. 304 00:49:45.430 --> 00:49:47.140 Chip Meehan: He helps get that grant. 305 00:49:47.490 --> 00:49:49.709 Chip Meehan: And now the Bureau of engineering 306 00:49:50.080 --> 00:49:52.870 Chip Meehan: running the river mountain that he coordinated with. 307 00:49:53.380 --> 00:49:56.720 Chip Meehan: Make sure we have alignment. They're gonna they already have it. 308 00:49:56.870 --> 00:49:57.979 Chip Meehan: They want to. 309 00:49:58.940 --> 00:50:03.329 Chip Meehan: And they're going to be. They're going out with an Rfp. 310 00:50:05.790 --> 00:50:06.590 Chip Meehan: Bye. 311 00:50:07.680 --> 00:50:09.080 Chip Meehan: major design. 312 00:50:09.360 --> 00:50:11.750 Chip Meehan: the bubble to the neck row. 313 00:50:12.140 --> 00:50:16.060 Chip Meehan: and then where we would pick up, not just being consistent with 314 00:50:16.500 --> 00:50:19.509 Chip Meehan: that enhanced they were. They were going to build that bridge. 315 00:50:19.670 --> 00:50:20.410 Chip Meehan: husband. 316 00:50:20.520 --> 00:50:27.080 Chip Meehan: obviously art of it, on a different level. They had a pedestrian bridge, and then we would. They were also going to take on the 317 00:50:27.420 --> 00:50:38.039 Chip Meehan: the bike plan along Radford, and we would do the bike plan along Radford and the bridge. So we're trying to work together with them, but they have a lot of fun 318 00:50:38.110 --> 00:50:44.309 Chip Meehan: to do the the project along the strong Easter. Yes, and so we're coordinating with them 319 00:50:44.360 --> 00:50:47.339 Chip Meehan: training and all this book and feel all 320 00:50:47.610 --> 00:50:58.289 Chip Meehan: Lisa, could we have the contact information there? I'm sure the Neighborhood Council would like to weigh in on what we'd like that to look like, because I hear Bureau of Engineering. And I feel concrete. 321 00:50:58.819 --> 00:51:02.009 Chip Meehan: So we might like to do something beside the runway. 322 00:51:02.570 --> 00:51:03.350 Chip Meehan: Okay. 323 00:51:05.060 --> 00:51:05.760 Chip Meehan: yeah. 324 00:51:06.070 --> 00:51:22.959 Chip Meehan: thank you. Aside from our project, master plan. Workshop years ago. 325 00:51:23.366 --> 00:51:30.710 Chip Meehan: and I think the intent for this segment of the river was to be like it is between. I believe it's Fulton and Woodman. 326 00:51:31.390 --> 00:51:43.240 Chip Meehan: You guys are familiar with that stretch. So it's got more of a natural path and natural planting and a bike way path, but I think it's meant to be more of that nature, but I think it's cold water, cold water cool. 327 00:51:44.560 --> 00:51:46.619 Chip Meehan: that's it. And so 328 00:51:46.660 --> 00:52:02.680 Chip Meehan: you can see now our sound stages and our production support are here. You can see the the gaps of the sound stages. Barry, you were asking about this, you can see base camp and open space. The base camp and parking areas circulation 329 00:52:02.730 --> 00:52:06.259 Chip Meehan: 3 spaces. And now you only have 2 in this field. 330 00:52:06.610 --> 00:52:09.530 Chip Meehan: So we've got. So we've got the 3 clusters. 331 00:52:09.610 --> 00:52:13.600 Chip Meehan: and in between each cluster book clusters in one of the murals 332 00:52:14.110 --> 00:52:36.160 Chip Meehan: it might just be a a. So this is, this is, this is, this is one of the breaks. So this is this is the large like, break all the way through, make it look like more. So it's not like one continuous wall. So the it looks good. Let's just flip back. So just to show you this, right here 333 00:52:37.240 --> 00:52:38.360 Chip Meehan: is 334 00:52:40.011 --> 00:52:50.629 Chip Meehan: is right here. Yeah. So it's just because of the the view you're not seeing all the way through. But if you were standing perpendicular, right, you could see through that gap. 335 00:52:50.750 --> 00:53:14.280 Chip Meehan: I understand that. But it looks like you have 3 large structures. It's it's hard to read it on the plan. Yeah, but they make each one of the 3 look like 3 instead of one. See? 1, 2, 3, 4, yeah, the 2, 3, 4 on. There is 1 1 of the 3. That's 1. Yeah, okay, that would be slightly setback. It's not thoroughfare. Thank you. 336 00:53:14.340 --> 00:53:20.050 Chip Meehan: Sorry to bring up and so I just luckily, I know 337 00:53:20.430 --> 00:53:21.270 Chip Meehan: it's 338 00:53:22.100 --> 00:53:48.260 Chip Meehan: one plus one doesn't equal port. So what we have left in terms of the sites, for the production office, the creative office, the production support, you can see, are what we've highlighted as the blue zones. And so what's important here on the north lot is, we really have one zone here where we're talking about a new building outside of the parking garage. 339 00:53:48.370 --> 00:53:50.849 Chip Meehan: and then on this side of the lot. 340 00:53:51.020 --> 00:54:04.459 Chip Meehan: you know, keeping in the sound stages here on the river's edge, and then what you have on this and in the center. One location on the edge is where we would be then in filling the production office, the creative office, the production support. 341 00:54:08.100 --> 00:54:12.669 Chip Meehan: So we want to talk about how we handle that that component. 342 00:54:12.830 --> 00:54:32.681 Chip Meehan: That's where we focused a lot of conversation on setbacks step backs, height, and just to remind folks that haven't seen this before. This is a diagram that would live in the specific plan. So it's the zoning document attached to this project that would regulate height for any project that would come to this site. 343 00:54:33.710 --> 00:54:37.440 Chip Meehan: what that is, and the the specific plan itself is. 344 00:54:38.100 --> 00:54:55.160 Chip Meehan: call it the rules of the game that set up what you can, how large you can be maximums, and minimums of whatever it might be. And so, whatever happens inside the law for the development purpose standard has to adhere to the specific plan. 345 00:54:55.390 --> 00:55:07.300 Chip Meehan: One of the components of the specific plan is the height diagram. And it's a. It's a complicated diagram, because there's a lot of 3 dimensional things occurring to help break it down 346 00:55:07.410 --> 00:55:12.149 Chip Meehan: on the north lot. Here we would be 75 feet in height. 347 00:55:12.910 --> 00:55:29.729 Chip Meehan: So that would be a maximum. And as we showed you the parking garage here would be the same as the parking garage to the north, and this infill production support building. When you remember, we were looking at this edge. Here you would, from a pedestrian standpoint of Bradford. Just see the tip top of that building. 348 00:55:30.760 --> 00:55:33.820 Chip Meehan: What we then have anchoring 349 00:55:33.860 --> 00:55:43.039 Chip Meehan: the south lot at Radford, and the alley is our historic district. So this is where some of the original 1,928 facilities are located. 350 00:55:43.320 --> 00:55:57.060 Chip Meehan: They would be retained and modernized, and any development that happened in here couldn't exceed the heights of those existing buildings, so that would stay low. And if one of those buildings were to come down it would be rebuilt in a similar height, not larger or taller. 351 00:55:58.100 --> 00:56:07.000 Chip Meehan: And then what we have on the exterior so really the perimeter that encases the whole remaining part of the South. Lot is height zone B, 352 00:56:07.360 --> 00:56:10.700 Chip Meehan: and so that sets the height zone at 75 feet 353 00:56:10.880 --> 00:56:14.070 Chip Meehan: 75 feet is roughly a 6 story building. 354 00:56:14.510 --> 00:56:26.930 Chip Meehan: And so what we have there. And the detail here is in a couple zones for only 30%. This whole area, 30% of this whole area, we could add an additional 20 feet. 355 00:56:27.290 --> 00:56:52.900 Chip Meehan: And what that allows us to do is provide flexibility in these buildings. Knowing that this is a plan. Meant to survive a very long time and not be an ad hoc. Development period after period is we don't know 100% how the industry is going to change. We don't know where it's going to go. We don't know where it's gonna happen. I couldn't tell you 5 years from now, let alone 10 years or beyond from us. What this allows us to do 356 00:56:52.900 --> 00:57:06.120 Chip Meehan: have a 20 foot flexibility, let's say, if sound stages continue to get larger, and they continue to get taller. It allows us to adapt to the industry without starting the process all over, but 357 00:57:06.480 --> 00:57:09.209 Chip Meehan: but not now. 358 00:57:09.550 --> 00:57:16.800 Chip Meehan: not now, not as not as not as we're talking, and I'll show you where we have our height in the projects in the plan. I'm just talking about the the rule set 359 00:57:17.226 --> 00:57:25.399 Chip Meehan: and important. Note again, only 30% of this whole area could be that 70. Where is the new office building that right on Radford. 360 00:57:25.800 --> 00:57:27.389 Chip Meehan: That would be right here. 361 00:57:28.040 --> 00:57:33.429 Chip Meehan: And how tall is that compared to the building on 362 00:57:33.560 --> 00:57:37.400 Chip Meehan: on this side and the sound stages on the other. 363 00:57:38.300 --> 00:57:53.120 Chip Meehan: so that would be one story. So this building here is the existing Admin building. This is 60 feet. It's 75 feet to the penthouse. Our building next to it is 60 feet along the street edge. There's a 364 00:57:53.120 --> 00:58:14.029 Chip Meehan: 20 foot step back, which will show you what step back is in a minute, and then it goes up to 75 feet, which matches the the tallest site of the admin today, so it wouldn't be any taller than the taller, and along the street edge. It matches because some of the renderings I've seen show it taller. Well, then, we'll show you that edge specific. Yeah. 365 00:58:14.310 --> 00:58:18.479 Chip Meehan: And so hold on. Sorry. The the last part of this, if you go back 366 00:58:21.720 --> 00:58:23.530 Chip Meehan: in the center. Here. 367 00:58:23.580 --> 00:58:27.309 Chip Meehan: in the very center, is the tallest part of the campus. 368 00:58:27.330 --> 00:58:40.000 Chip Meehan: which again has a base height of 75, but would allow us to go 60 feet taller in the center. The important part here is again scales really deceiving. It looks like a small site 369 00:58:40.110 --> 00:58:41.639 Chip Meehan: on a screen. 370 00:58:41.720 --> 00:58:56.760 Chip Meehan: Ventura Boulevard. From here to here is about 150 feet. From here to here is another 150 feet. So that's over a football field away from Ventura Boulevard. So it really is in the center of the site. And 371 00:58:56.820 --> 00:59:09.660 Chip Meehan: to not just take our word for it. We wanted to show you some diagrams. So sight lines and view angles from those places down stages, or taller, taller, that would be taller. 372 00:59:10.095 --> 00:59:32.560 Chip Meehan: The other component of this and that height map, aside from just kind of talking about the vertical height of elements, is also talking about setbacks and step backs. And so I kind of did my little charades last time. But just to help illustrate it better this time is we have 3 components building height. So here we would set a footprint, let's say, and it would be 373 00:59:32.610 --> 00:59:33.770 Chip Meehan: a certain height. 374 00:59:34.180 --> 00:59:46.560 Chip Meehan: The building setback would take that building from the property line and push it away, which would allow us to free up daylight and space, but also introduce pedestrian areas and landscaping. 375 00:59:46.580 --> 01:00:15.799 Chip Meehan: And then the other component of this, the last component is a vertical element which allows us to say at the upper portion. So let's say that 75 foot base height, and then that bonus 20 feet would be stepped back from the edge 20 feet, as Ashley says, so that as a pedestrian, when you're on the edge when you're in the ground plane. You're only seeing that volume. You're only experiencing that volume. You're not seeing that top. It's our way of trying to hide mass. Mass. 376 01:00:16.111 --> 01:00:20.619 Chip Meehan: So that we can still ride it, but not have a visual impact to the edges. 377 01:00:20.660 --> 01:00:26.400 Chip Meehan: So this is just helping to kind of, I hope, help illustrate kind of a conceptual idea in a simple way. 378 01:00:26.670 --> 01:00:31.889 Chip Meehan: And then, as a real world example. I think many of you have probably been here. 3rd Street Promenade. 379 01:00:32.160 --> 01:00:40.979 Chip Meehan: the old Broadway Deli that used to be in the base here. I think most people think the promenade as being 2 stories very pedestrian, friendly. 380 01:00:41.200 --> 01:01:00.120 Chip Meehan: This building, in fact, is closer to 8 9 stories, but you don't feel it that way when you're on the promenade because of step backs, upper level step backs so you can see a 2 level 2 and a half level base height here, and then you can see. Step back, and you can see that illustrated in this component. 381 01:01:00.420 --> 01:01:01.999 Chip Meehan: the base of the building. 382 01:01:02.020 --> 01:01:16.669 Chip Meehan: and then the step back so that step back would be where we're showing terraces and patio and landscaping, and then you can see the building going vertical behind that. And in this example it even goes a 3rd layer to the layer. Cake goes even further back. But 383 01:01:16.920 --> 01:01:33.819 Chip Meehan: I think many of you have been there. But just to show, like a practical example of what a step back and setback example feels like it does not have a hillside are affected by 384 01:01:33.950 --> 01:01:36.939 Chip Meehan: what it's going to look like. It would be more visible to them. Yes. 385 01:01:39.007 --> 01:01:49.360 Chip Meehan: so just to try to walk. How these components are used on the edges, and around the site. This is the Ventura corridor. So we're here, you know, at the Radford intersection more or less. 386 01:01:49.410 --> 01:01:50.740 Chip Meehan: Looking east. 387 01:01:50.770 --> 01:02:06.290 Chip Meehan: And these buildings here you can see in plan illustrated with the patios and the landscaping. The breaks in the building. You can see here the terraces, the step backs, and the breaks in the building. So it feels like it's a building that's terracing and stepping back from the edge. 388 01:02:06.560 --> 01:02:13.139 Chip Meehan: And what are the levels of each tariffs as you go up I'll show you in a section. It'll be easier to explain. 389 01:02:13.507 --> 01:02:24.649 Chip Meehan: And then we have the Radford edge that we were just talking about, so Orsky building the new building there. Which is this looking? The other direction? So this 1st image is looking north. 390 01:02:24.790 --> 01:02:26.849 Chip Meehan: Second image is looking south. 391 01:02:27.200 --> 01:02:32.309 Chip Meehan: This is the proposed building, and so you can see. And Ashley can answer these questions. But this building 392 01:02:32.320 --> 01:02:33.050 Chip Meehan: was 393 01:02:34.400 --> 01:02:39.209 Chip Meehan: arranged in this way, so it felt very similar in mass to the existing Gorski Building. 394 01:02:39.320 --> 01:02:43.190 Chip Meehan: and then the upper level step back again, pushes back 395 01:02:43.240 --> 01:02:46.420 Chip Meehan: from that street edge. We can get landscaping 396 01:02:46.610 --> 01:02:56.210 Chip Meehan: in there. But what we also then have on the ground plane in this location, right now, we have buildings that basically come up to the edge or very close to, we would mirror 397 01:02:56.330 --> 01:03:02.090 Chip Meehan: setback of the existing Admin building or this building, so that space would continue up 398 01:03:02.160 --> 01:03:07.880 Chip Meehan: go greener and wider than it is today. And is that 10 feet? Or is that the 17 foot section. 399 01:03:09.080 --> 01:03:10.950 Chip Meehan: the for the 400 01:03:12.030 --> 01:03:15.110 Chip Meehan: 17 feet is on the north lot. Okay. 401 01:03:17.315 --> 01:03:30.240 Chip Meehan: and then this is, we show this image already. But just to bring back on the north lot this would be the 17 foot zone. Mirroring what's happening the sound stages today carrying up on the north lot. So again, standing at the bridge looking more 402 01:03:32.430 --> 01:03:39.540 Chip Meehan: so, this kind of brings the whole universe of ideas together that we were just talking about. And I'll take a minute here because there's a lot going on. 403 01:03:40.169 --> 01:03:45.219 Chip Meehan: It's a section through our site. Ventura Boulevard is here. 404 01:03:45.480 --> 01:03:47.260 Chip Meehan: Public Alley is here 405 01:03:47.370 --> 01:03:54.269 Chip Meehan: our property line and our project as proposed. And so here you can see the below grade levels of the project and the buildings. 406 01:03:54.800 --> 01:03:57.759 Chip Meehan: What we have on the Ventura corridor today. 407 01:03:57.990 --> 01:04:02.449 Chip Meehan: or anywhere from 20 to 30 foot tall buildings generally. 408 01:04:03.305 --> 01:04:14.630 Chip Meehan: What the future Ventura specific plan Ventura corridor specific plan might allow is another 45 feet to be built. So a 3 story. Actually, it's 45 409 01:04:14.980 --> 01:04:18.949 Chip Meehan: on the north side, 30 on the south in the future. 410 01:04:19.200 --> 01:04:24.140 Chip Meehan: What? The the specific plan? Sorry. Yeah. So 40 45. On the north 411 01:04:24.640 --> 01:04:27.779 Chip Meehan: is the current, but not above 45, 412 01:04:27.820 --> 01:04:30.739 Chip Meehan: right? 45 feet. Yeah. Same same thing 413 01:04:30.760 --> 01:04:42.164 Chip Meehan: up to 45 feet. But not typically built right now on the corridor. So we didn't show it that way, but we wanted to show what could be built in the future, because conditions change on the corridor. 414 01:04:42.750 --> 01:04:52.740 Chip Meehan: this is the City National Bank Building at Radford and Ventura Place. It's about 75 feet right now, just to give context to what's in the community from an experience standpoint. 415 01:04:52.990 --> 01:05:00.249 Chip Meehan: And what these view angles do for us. So if you were standing on the north side of Ventura 416 01:05:00.470 --> 01:05:03.019 Chip Meehan: looking towards the project. 417 01:05:03.170 --> 01:05:13.740 Chip Meehan: this shows you based off of the building, because it would be blocking your view what your view would see of the project, which is really nothing, and we'll illustrate that in a couple of visuals for you. 418 01:05:13.970 --> 01:05:32.930 Chip Meehan: and then, if you're on the south side of the lot, you could clearly be able to see over those buildings. But in the way that we've tried to mass and articulate and step back is really looking at that view angle to make sure that these buildings, if you carry that line all the way through. They are masked by your experience along Ventura Corridor. 419 01:05:33.510 --> 01:05:35.730 Chip Meehan: And so this would be 420 01:05:36.660 --> 01:05:39.170 Chip Meehan: the 75 foot zone here. 421 01:05:39.445 --> 01:05:48.729 Chip Meehan: That we're talking about base height. This would be the 135 foot zone that we were talking about interior. And so this also starts to show you the distance in which. 422 01:05:48.880 --> 01:05:53.749 Chip Meehan: particularly the 135 foot zone is away from Ventura. 423 01:05:54.180 --> 01:05:56.370 Chip Meehan: and what you can also start to then see 424 01:05:56.500 --> 01:05:58.559 Chip Meehan: is the implementation of 425 01:05:59.380 --> 01:06:05.659 Chip Meehan: upper level step backs to try and reduce the mass and step those components of the project back. 426 01:06:05.790 --> 01:06:08.630 Chip Meehan: So what buildings are going to be added 35. 427 01:06:09.280 --> 01:06:16.820 Chip Meehan: So the dark blue does not look 60 feet taller than the light blue. Well, so. 428 01:06:17.270 --> 01:06:20.299 Chip Meehan: and it's also a second thing. It's like 429 01:06:21.260 --> 01:06:23.440 Chip Meehan: in the 135 programs 430 01:06:23.680 --> 01:06:43.010 Chip Meehan: way down the road. Correct. So coming back to the rule set. So this building, actually correct is not 135 feet, as we are proposing for the project. But the specific plan is saying, is sometime because the zoning code lives way beyond this project itself. So this is new zoning code for the studio lot. 431 01:06:43.540 --> 01:06:49.890 Chip Meehan: and where I was saying is, we don't know what the future of media is. We don't know the future of studios or entertainment. What we have is a 432 01:06:50.290 --> 01:06:52.370 Chip Meehan: incremental height. 433 01:06:52.500 --> 01:07:00.220 Chip Meehan: flexibility, or buffer, so that if and when the building or the media industry changed. There was a little bit of an ability not to have 434 01:07:00.450 --> 01:07:07.790 Chip Meehan: one specific and only solution to the puzzle, but provide ourselves with the ability to adapt and evolve to be industry 435 01:07:07.950 --> 01:07:10.720 Chip Meehan: over that time. That's a 30% 436 01:07:10.790 --> 01:07:14.660 Chip Meehan: that can do in the future 437 01:07:15.420 --> 01:07:16.330 Chip Meehan: without 438 01:07:16.890 --> 01:07:18.079 Chip Meehan: hopes that it. 439 01:07:18.670 --> 01:07:21.279 Chip Meehan: We have a proposed project. 440 01:07:21.940 --> 01:07:25.520 Chip Meehan: The other strategic plan is, we also have a proposed project 441 01:07:26.210 --> 01:07:27.890 Chip Meehan: the project has 442 01:07:28.110 --> 01:07:28.790 Chip Meehan: of 443 01:07:28.950 --> 01:07:30.300 Chip Meehan: applied for 444 01:07:30.970 --> 01:07:33.929 Chip Meehan: what what we're asking for, and that's the only 445 01:07:34.300 --> 01:07:36.210 Chip Meehan: able to work through. 446 01:07:36.270 --> 01:07:37.540 Chip Meehan: be able to get 447 01:07:38.230 --> 01:07:39.620 Chip Meehan: ministerial 448 01:07:40.140 --> 01:07:48.709 Chip Meehan: planning department approval. If we ever went back to change the project or take advantage of sites that are living within the zone 449 01:07:48.930 --> 01:07:55.570 Chip Meehan: have to go back to our doctors, and it has to go through its own public hearing. 450 01:07:55.880 --> 01:08:00.969 Chip Meehan: So you're saying we have something similar, because otherwise 451 01:08:01.230 --> 01:08:13.360 Chip Meehan: we could sign off on this, you could get the specific plan and start building and build 135 people. 452 01:08:14.471 --> 01:08:17.639 Chip Meehan: I wanna make sure I'm not saying it correctly. 453 01:08:17.720 --> 01:08:27.040 Chip Meehan: We have a specific plan that tries to have all the zoning, all the hard part zoning that's have it over here and create a uniform 454 01:08:27.390 --> 01:08:31.580 Chip Meehan: plan for the area for a project. 455 01:08:32.000 --> 01:08:34.230 Chip Meehan: and that's what we would have 456 01:08:34.810 --> 01:08:37.180 Chip Meehan: you know, the manager of 2 or 5 457 01:08:37.510 --> 01:08:39.290 Chip Meehan: forward, anything else 458 01:08:39.510 --> 01:08:40.479 Chip Meehan: coherent. 459 01:08:40.620 --> 01:08:42.649 Chip Meehan: and then the whole public process. 460 01:08:42.880 --> 01:08:45.299 Chip Meehan: But it's helpful for us. You can understand 461 01:08:45.390 --> 01:08:47.860 Chip Meehan: if you see what 462 01:08:48.765 --> 01:08:52.409 Chip Meehan: that's the potential. And that's what we really 463 01:08:52.510 --> 01:09:05.569 Chip Meehan: should be very concerned. But that dark blue is not what it would be 60 feet taller. That's what I'm speaking to have that visual representation. You want additional level. 464 01:09:06.250 --> 01:09:10.799 Chip Meehan: but we can make that clarification. Yeah, sure. But we're not 465 01:09:11.600 --> 01:09:19.470 Chip Meehan: going to be weighing in on the specific plan we're going to be weighing in on the project that's being evaluated in deir. 466 01:09:19.569 --> 01:09:21.899 Chip Meehan: which is 90 and 75. 467 01:09:22.240 --> 01:09:25.380 Chip Meehan: So, to be clear, it'll be both of those together. 468 01:09:25.490 --> 01:09:28.699 Chip Meehan: The specific plan will be a part of the project and you'll have 469 01:09:29.399 --> 01:09:30.229 Chip Meehan: both 470 01:09:30.830 --> 01:09:55.820 Chip Meehan: connected. Is there connected things? So the master plan? Yeah, the Master Plan fits within the zoning document, which is the specific plan. And, as Lisa was saying, if we came back and said we were going to add that last floor on, make the building bigger and wider, we would have to go through a science review and ultimately work client in a meaningful way with what we're showing you today, we would have to go through a whole discretionary process 471 01:09:56.110 --> 01:09:58.009 Chip Meehan: come back and it's all over again. 472 01:09:58.100 --> 01:09:59.280 Chip Meehan: Question. So 473 01:10:00.360 --> 01:10:04.280 Chip Meehan: because I just the the blue box 474 01:10:04.310 --> 01:10:15.890 Chip Meehan: above the red again, what is that's the City National Bank Building. Oh, behind behind it those red things are the current buildings on on both sides, these 2. Yes, correct. Got it. 475 01:10:16.170 --> 01:10:17.200 Chip Meehan: You got it? 476 01:10:17.850 --> 01:10:18.640 Chip Meehan: Good. 477 01:10:18.760 --> 01:10:22.749 Chip Meehan: Yeah. When when you say discretionary, though 478 01:10:23.650 --> 01:10:36.070 Chip Meehan: our planning department has not been kind to neighborhoods when it comes to discretionary, they always seem to side with largeness. 479 01:10:36.150 --> 01:10:37.819 Chip Meehan: So just just 480 01:10:38.120 --> 01:10:42.180 Chip Meehan: in the last 10 years, particularly our planning department. 481 01:10:42.520 --> 01:10:56.590 Chip Meehan: Yeah. And I. And I hear that change the experience of other projects in the community with this very same neighborhood group. But I think at least, what we're trying to show and convey every time we come here is this is what we are doing. And if we change from this, here's the process. 482 01:10:57.070 --> 01:10:58.800 Chip Meehan: the specific plan. 483 01:10:59.270 --> 01:11:00.770 Chip Meehan: But you all review. 484 01:11:00.900 --> 01:11:02.320 Chip Meehan: will also have. 485 01:11:04.640 --> 01:11:05.540 Chip Meehan: They are that 486 01:11:05.670 --> 01:11:07.780 Chip Meehan: also the highest delay on the process 487 01:11:08.930 --> 01:11:10.369 Chip Meehan: will be marry him 488 01:11:11.190 --> 01:11:11.970 Chip Meehan: all 489 01:11:16.260 --> 01:11:17.949 Chip Meehan: you go back to that. 490 01:11:18.100 --> 01:11:20.639 Chip Meehan: if and when you go 491 01:11:21.050 --> 01:11:23.139 Chip Meehan: to reach the 135 feet 492 01:11:24.040 --> 01:11:27.409 Chip Meehan: buildings come down and are rebuilt. They're not engineered to. 493 01:11:28.810 --> 01:11:30.420 Chip Meehan: Let's go on. Thanks, man. 494 01:11:31.570 --> 01:11:42.000 Chip Meehan: And Lisa engineers are amazing. We're not there. We're not there. Yes, that engineering doesn't exist today. That's right. 495 01:11:42.310 --> 01:11:43.309 Chip Meehan: Not a part of the 496 01:11:45.700 --> 01:11:52.010 Chip Meehan: so to help take that kind of 2D diagram of a lot of lines and whatnot put it into a 497 01:11:52.110 --> 01:11:54.157 Chip Meehan: a pedestrian perspective. 498 01:11:55.040 --> 01:12:06.100 Chip Meehan: these white boxes represent the buildings along Ventura. So in view a we were standing, let's say, just outside the Firestone dealership or the the repair tire shop. 499 01:12:06.180 --> 01:12:09.360 Chip Meehan: You'd see the the 30 foot or so tall building 500 01:12:09.400 --> 01:12:20.450 Chip Meehan: looking down Ventura corridor this way, and our project is up here. And again, because of the mass of the building you're not really seeing past and over those buildings 501 01:12:20.955 --> 01:12:40.349 Chip Meehan: looking the other direction in front of the motel looking east. It's a similar condition, but when you step across Ventura Boulevard, when you move to the south side, you're further away from the project. You do start to see projects. You are further away. The views are a little bit longer to your point at the hills, like you will see the project. It's not hidden. 502 01:12:40.747 --> 01:12:55.410 Chip Meehan: There's no magic that allows us to hide the buildings. And so we're now on the south side of the Boulevard again looking west. Across. So we were just this side right here, you know, more or less now across, and you can start to see the project here 503 01:12:55.620 --> 01:13:22.230 Chip Meehan: and then again across the motel on the other side of the street hotel would be here. This is the parking garage and the production office building at the edge right here. So you do start to see the project the further you move from it. And then obviously, you would climb up. They will see for sure. Yeah, you can't. The studio is visible today. So it will be continued to be visible in the future. And so 504 01:13:22.470 --> 01:13:39.509 Chip Meehan: this is all to say, this is how the parts and the pieces start to come together. I'm gonna let Ashley talk about some of the sustainability and green and the human health and wellness side of the project. But you can see the last component that we were talking about. How the last kind of puzzle pieces get filled in. There's this zone. 505 01:13:39.530 --> 01:13:49.569 Chip Meehan: this one building and this one building here, that kind of take the last components of the project site. And then this hits our program basis as we've shared before. 506 01:13:50.850 --> 01:13:55.190 Chip Meehan: Is there any construction for the infrastructure. 507 01:13:56.040 --> 01:13:58.570 Chip Meehan: water distribution and the sewage 508 01:13:58.610 --> 01:14:04.759 Chip Meehan: which goes under the street. They had no problems with that. I know they're working 509 01:14:05.120 --> 01:14:10.429 Chip Meehan: so exactly taken into consideration, which, going from 1,000 people to 8,000. 510 01:14:10.600 --> 01:14:17.250 Chip Meehan: So we have a whole series of whether it's wastewater, storm, water, water supply, whatever it might be. 511 01:14:17.540 --> 01:14:20.550 Chip Meehan: reach out to contact and coordinated wallpaper. 512 01:14:20.690 --> 01:14:29.069 Chip Meehan: jurisdictional agencies, to understand capacity, feasibility, and growth of what is there. And so we've done all those analyses back from them. 513 01:14:29.120 --> 01:14:34.500 Chip Meehan: and the infrastructure project that they're either doing now or have planned, or already in place 514 01:14:34.720 --> 01:14:38.729 Chip Meehan: our project, they were able to meet our projects. 515 01:14:39.580 --> 01:14:40.449 Chip Meehan: And so 516 01:14:41.317 --> 01:14:46.380 Chip Meehan: so I'm gonna hand this part over. So I actually can talk about this more educated way. 517 01:14:47.670 --> 01:14:51.860 Chip Meehan: So part of the the goals of the studio, I think last time 518 01:14:54.410 --> 01:14:55.180 Chip Meehan: built into this. 519 01:14:55.410 --> 01:14:56.880 Chip Meehan: There I saw them. 520 01:14:57.250 --> 01:14:58.979 Chip Meehan: We'll go back to it. We can go back. 521 01:14:59.310 --> 01:15:00.380 Chip Meehan: They're they're 522 01:15:00.960 --> 01:15:15.320 Chip Meehan: we're doing the alley. This will be quick. I think there was some questions about lead goal last time. In in general, the goal of the studio is to have a healthy environment internally for everybody that comes here as well as you know 523 01:15:15.320 --> 01:15:31.039 Chip Meehan: the edges and how we're treating the landscape of the site which we've talked a lot about. So as we've developed the master plan, and we're thinking about all of the new building types of uses. We're thinking about all of these spaces that make modern workplace environments for people working in studio environments, office environments and the like 524 01:15:31.580 --> 01:15:32.420 Chip Meehan: next. 525 01:15:33.148 --> 01:15:38.430 Chip Meehan: This is also going to be the largest, all electric studio in Los Angeles, which I think you have 526 01:15:38.660 --> 01:15:47.349 Chip Meehan: maybe talked about previously. Some of those things will involve ev chargers solar, which will be on the roofs of the stages as well as parking structures 527 01:15:47.510 --> 01:15:50.340 Chip Meehan: and other studio 528 01:15:50.800 --> 01:15:54.179 Chip Meehan: electricity that I don't understand as well as Brian. Thanks. 529 01:15:54.718 --> 01:16:19.630 Chip Meehan: We are working on a native planting palette, which, where we have the opportunities for green and green edges and green spaces within the studio. We are taking advantage of those opportunities and using planting and ground treatments that will be friendly for water on site, and I don't think sorry, actually interrupt. I don't think many of the team. 530 01:16:19.630 --> 01:16:39.759 Chip Meehan: the whole native gardens on the backside. So by landscape. So they're very mobile integrated water. Wise sustainability. Mia's done. The Harvard Westlake project so assumingly. There will be some sort of an aesthetic that kind of ties together. 531 01:16:40.190 --> 01:16:43.900 Chip Meehan: It has to a lot of the guidelines. 532 01:16:43.950 --> 01:16:49.939 Chip Meehan: Will the solar panels on the roof downstairs buildings create any clarification? 533 01:16:50.520 --> 01:16:58.790 Chip Meehan: I don't think so. And actually, in many of the cities today have solar panels on them already. So we're really just keeping in line with what's here and and modernizing those as well 534 01:17:01.382 --> 01:17:06.647 Chip Meehan: before you go on. So 535 01:17:07.830 --> 01:17:09.170 Chip Meehan: that's the plan 536 01:17:09.320 --> 01:17:14.430 Chip Meehan: online. It said that 8% of the site would be permutable services. 537 01:17:15.900 --> 01:17:17.000 Chip Meehan: Is that true? 538 01:17:18.410 --> 01:17:20.360 Chip Meehan: Post. 539 01:17:22.290 --> 01:17:24.629 Chip Meehan: because it's quite hot already. 540 01:17:24.890 --> 01:17:27.239 Chip Meehan: That was recorded the other day. 541 01:17:27.330 --> 01:17:30.089 Chip Meehan: and I'm gonna take out Friday food. 542 01:17:31.380 --> 01:17:32.650 Chip Meehan: That's why it works. 543 01:17:33.291 --> 01:17:37.458 Chip Meehan: I would rather be depart there. And 544 01:17:38.570 --> 01:17:40.180 Chip Meehan: I'm really concerned 545 01:17:40.210 --> 01:17:42.470 Chip Meehan: that you're putting a lot more. 546 01:17:43.380 --> 01:17:46.969 Chip Meehan: a lot more services that are bought here. 547 01:17:47.870 --> 01:17:49.040 Chip Meehan: Happy to do 548 01:17:50.100 --> 01:17:52.639 Chip Meehan: space. And and if you only have 8%, 549 01:17:53.440 --> 01:17:54.820 Chip Meehan: see if that's 550 01:17:54.960 --> 01:17:55.760 Chip Meehan: beautiful. 551 01:17:57.122 --> 01:18:05.377 Chip Meehan: So I'm not quite sure where the 8% is coming from Adele. So maybe you can help us find where you got that information just to make sure we're tracking the same one. 552 01:18:06.050 --> 01:18:06.950 Chip Meehan: but 553 01:18:07.360 --> 01:18:14.470 Chip Meehan: from a site perspective, I mean, studios are hard working, circulation, heavy infrastructure, heavy sites. 554 01:18:14.803 --> 01:18:29.220 Chip Meehan: I think we were talking about this a little bit where we can find opportunities in those odd geometries left over spaces, particularly on the frontages and the edges where it wants to be green and community facing. We want to add landscaping both for 555 01:18:29.240 --> 01:18:51.250 Chip Meehan: screening purposes and buffering purposes, but also for air, quality stormwater management. Whatnot. So we've tried to put in green on the ground plane where we're able to. So it doesn't conflict with production activities. And I think where we get more of our greenery in this project is actually at the roof terrace level, so important to remember that the 556 01:18:51.450 --> 01:19:06.419 Chip Meehan: green roofs and the stormwater management that happens. The terrace deck level. It's a pretty big component of the new buildings. We can't do that on our sound stages. The weights and the load of water loading those is just astronomical. 557 01:19:07.770 --> 01:19:12.109 Chip Meehan: And so what we've tried to do, and maybe Ashley talk about acid shading. 558 01:19:12.150 --> 01:19:15.910 Chip Meehan: what not to bring thermal comfort for our production plans. 559 01:19:18.420 --> 01:19:29.850 Chip Meehan: yeah. So building orientation and kind of part of the part of the strategy, or how it works out with having some of the office buildings here is that allows for proper orientation 560 01:19:30.010 --> 01:19:55.199 Chip Meehan: over inside of those buildings, proper orientation being the long faces of these buildings are facing north and south, and so those those are getting the least amount of sun on those faces throughout the day. All of this is providing shading to these large kind of surface areas in the back. So there, there's a reason why that kind of it's helpful. Like, Brian was saying. We have these kind of supportive edges around the site, both from a 561 01:19:55.200 --> 01:20:02.979 Chip Meehan: production, activity standpoint, but also from a daylighting and kind of shading perspective. The greenery, again. 562 01:20:03.310 --> 01:20:15.260 Chip Meehan: it's kind of the fact that it's facing the edge. So it helps to soften those buildings towards the community. It also provides more daylight and and kind of heat reduction 563 01:20:15.380 --> 01:20:31.850 Chip Meehan: from the surfaces of those buildings. So when we have these set setbacks and we have terraces on the building that is more surface area. But that surface area allows for those edges to be green, and all of that greenery helps to reduce some of that heat. I work that you're talking about 564 01:20:32.200 --> 01:20:33.190 Chip Meehan: today. 565 01:20:33.820 --> 01:20:39.269 Chip Meehan: but from a tree perspective we've done a whole lot. Tree survey. We 566 01:20:39.890 --> 01:20:43.629 Chip Meehan: cannot keep all the trees on the lot with, particularly 567 01:20:43.710 --> 01:20:54.779 Chip Meehan: the below grade excavation, soundstage development that just requires removal of some of those trees. We have replacement ratios which are greater than a 1 to one on the lot. So 568 01:20:54.880 --> 01:21:06.079 Chip Meehan: as we take out a tree, we have a 2 to one or a 4 to one ratio of what we need to return, trees to which will be on the lot and on our edges. So it would be a greener lot in the future than it is today. So. 569 01:21:06.400 --> 01:21:17.780 Chip Meehan: albeit at the loss of some existing trees. We'll be planting new trees at a higher rate, and then, in particular, the mature trees we have at a prominent 570 01:21:18.292 --> 01:21:22.617 Chip Meehan: those specimens. You can't replace that height in that bulk, in that screening 571 01:21:23.070 --> 01:21:32.460 Chip Meehan: in the future. I just have one question about the the size of the trees. You're going to put in 24. I don't have that detail on the top of my head. 572 01:21:33.770 --> 01:21:37.379 Chip Meehan: It wasn't. It was details. Okay? 573 01:21:38.260 --> 01:21:53.410 Chip Meehan: And that planting specifics will be in the dir right. There'll be a plant palette, and they'll be as part of our tree. Report the replacement right and the dimensions of them, so all that will be in the dir right. 574 01:21:53.760 --> 01:21:54.870 Chip Meehan: Brian Sutzy 575 01:21:55.280 --> 01:21:59.410 Chip Meehan: there'll be I don't know what off the top of my head. There'll be dimensions of landscape. 576 01:22:00.450 --> 01:22:03.690 Chip Meehan: I just wanna make sure that 577 01:22:04.140 --> 01:22:05.419 Chip Meehan: good health. Yeah. 578 01:22:06.320 --> 01:22:07.910 Chip Meehan: One. 579 01:22:09.990 --> 01:22:25.300 Chip Meehan: Yeah. So what we can, what we can do. And again, I don't know. The street trees, the perimeter trees. We will be mandated to have a certain box size to put in there. I don't remember off the top of my head 580 01:22:25.330 --> 01:22:28.350 Chip Meehan: what happens on the interior of the lot. We don't have 581 01:22:29.230 --> 01:22:42.039 Chip Meehan: a detailed schematic planting plan that will dictate box sizes of trees within the studio master Plan. We're just not at that level of time. So it'll be conceptual in nature. You're not there yet. Correct. 582 01:22:42.740 --> 01:22:43.990 Chip Meehan: Brandon Nelson. 583 01:22:44.340 --> 01:22:53.360 Chip Meehan: When you say department structures are going to go like 3 levels down right by the river site, do any problem with the water table or 584 01:22:53.650 --> 01:22:58.309 Chip Meehan: that issue? Because I know they had problems many years ago along with it sure? 585 01:22:58.661 --> 01:23:08.509 Chip Meehan: So the excavation is at parts along the river similar to what the condition is today in terms of the depth which the closest part that we were talking about along the river road. 586 01:23:08.580 --> 01:23:14.593 Chip Meehan: The deepest part of the excavation is further back from the rivers, not right up against the river edge. 587 01:23:15.000 --> 01:23:18.919 Chip Meehan: that's kind of the deepest part, and then the less shallow part is here 588 01:23:18.950 --> 01:23:29.680 Chip Meehan: in the barn. The park construction. The Colfax side is not correct, exactly correct. And but all to say, we need to study dewatering during construction. 589 01:23:30.042 --> 01:23:52.680 Chip Meehan: We will not be having a mechanical de watering post construction. We're gonna do what we call as a bathtub. So we basically build a waterproof structure that water, then, can continue to flow without mechanical or infrastructure systems to maintain it. So once we're done with construction existing conditions will return with our structures in place. So it's really a temporary dewatering. During construction. 590 01:23:54.830 --> 01:24:01.909 Chip Meehan: we had quite a few questions just about the alley. So we just wanted to walk through some of the mechanics of the alley itself. 591 01:24:02.250 --> 01:24:03.180 Chip Meehan: and 592 01:24:03.380 --> 01:24:10.520 Chip Meehan: the important part here that we back to we talk about the Ventura corridor is this is the interface between ourselves. 593 01:24:10.610 --> 01:24:30.540 Chip Meehan: Ventura Boulevard, the Ventura Boulevard businesses, and how that they operate. So the alley, even though it might be used for a lot of different things of success or angst their primary purpose is to provide service and access to the businesses on either side, ourselves included. 594 01:24:30.790 --> 01:24:48.560 Chip Meehan: so almost almost to an individual building. These buildings either are parked, loaded, accessed, or have their utility infrastructure off of the alley. So it's really meant to be a service and infrastructure backbone. Our intent is to keep it very much that way. 595 01:24:49.040 --> 01:24:54.979 Chip Meehan: though our goal is to enhance, to try and fix some of the problematic aspects of the alley. 596 01:24:55.359 --> 01:24:58.320 Chip Meehan: And just to show some of those problems. Sorry, go ahead 597 01:24:59.555 --> 01:25:21.360 Chip Meehan: potholes the guardrails against our studio, some of the infrastructure power infrastructure. Lack of storm water. There's no traffic control, so there's no stop signs. Crosswalks or safety features for pedestrians. All of that's missing today. It's really just kind of been a forgotten back of house space. And so our goal in this next one 598 01:25:21.360 --> 01:25:39.788 Chip Meehan: is to take. What is this limited? And it's approximately 30 feet. It varies as we go. Going down the lots by a couple of feet or so. But businesses are built to this side. Infrastructure is built to the side, and what's below grade is actually a pretty complicated system of 599 01:25:40.540 --> 01:25:44.359 Chip Meehan: pipes, electrical lines, data lines, communication lines. 600 01:25:44.660 --> 01:25:50.009 Chip Meehan: We've got to try and figure out the puzzle. So what we want to do, and posing as part of the project is 601 01:25:50.070 --> 01:26:14.969 Chip Meehan: as part of the resurfacing of the alley. It's not just paving it and putting it back as it was, but using a bureau of engineering Green Alley standard which actually helps enhance stormwater infiltration makes things more permeous, even though it's not on our lot. It's outside of a lot so that that water doesn't pool on the street. Potholes get reduced, it soaks down, and it goes into storm water versus just sitting there. 602 01:26:15.347 --> 01:26:19.520 Chip Meehan: Our goal is also to clean up some of the utility infrastructure. 603 01:26:19.920 --> 01:26:29.189 Chip Meehan: We're working with agencies to study the feasibility of this. As I was saying, it's a very tight space, and it's very complicated between water and power. They don't necessarily mix. And they have 604 01:26:29.220 --> 01:26:35.619 Chip Meehan: clearances. So it's a it's a complicated jurisdictional item that we're working through to try and free up some of the space in there. 605 01:26:35.740 --> 01:26:41.889 Chip Meehan: And then what we really want to do. And there's a lot of questions about. Can this be a park. Can it be a pedestrian way? Can it be a bike way? 606 01:26:42.180 --> 01:26:50.989 Chip Meehan: Our perspective is, is it really shouldn't be? And it's not just for our benefit or our purpose. It's really for purpose and benefit also businesses. The way they operate. 607 01:26:51.170 --> 01:26:53.929 Chip Meehan: One of the beliefs is is that if we're, gonna 608 01:26:54.480 --> 01:27:02.170 Chip Meehan: you know, maintain the vibrancy of the Ventura corridor. The last thing we want to do is take pedestrian bikes, put them in the back of house when they really should be at the front of house. 609 01:27:02.240 --> 01:27:24.000 Chip Meehan: and also understanding that there's trash trucks, vehicles, drop offs, whatnot make up and down this alley. It's not a place you want mixing with bikes and people walking, you really want to use sidewalks and bike paths and everything else that we're doing. What about widening, widening a little bit so, because if you look at Ventura accord between Laurel Grove and whitsets. 610 01:27:24.750 --> 01:27:34.030 Chip Meehan: it's like a little street. It's not an alley, and yes, it serves the back of the businesses that are on Ventura proper. 611 01:27:34.050 --> 01:27:49.300 Chip Meehan: but a street like that where this alley is with and it doesn't. I don't. It doesn't have a sidewalk. But a street like that would be, I think, so much more beneficial than the way the alley is now. 612 01:27:49.400 --> 01:27:55.480 Chip Meehan: So if you haven't seen Ventura court between Laurel Grove and Winston you should go take a look 613 01:27:55.870 --> 01:27:58.399 Chip Meehan: cause that would be perfect for this out. 614 01:27:58.820 --> 01:28:05.760 Chip Meehan: So there's nothing to say that from Ventura court perspective. It can't have occur and be a port 615 01:28:05.810 --> 01:28:08.060 Chip Meehan: clean street, I mean 30 feet. 616 01:28:08.460 --> 01:28:16.729 Chip Meehan: dedicated Alley Street. So how that apparatus comes together. There's ways of making it feel more formal. So it's not just an asphalt up to a wall 617 01:28:17.310 --> 01:28:28.280 Chip Meehan: widening it for the purposes of an alley. It's not the classification venture accord might be a wider program. I don't know the classification. 618 01:28:30.800 --> 01:28:44.490 Chip Meehan: Yeah. But but, guys, what I I think the purpose of this meeting is to get information, not to hash out our ask. So I'm with you on all those questions, but I think we should wait until we see the full presentation if we could. 619 01:28:44.710 --> 01:28:46.880 Chip Meehan: So for a transportation argument. 620 01:28:47.984 --> 01:28:51.056 Chip Meehan: the other component here it got asked, is 621 01:28:51.520 --> 01:28:54.180 Chip Meehan: why can we not widen the alley? 622 01:28:54.370 --> 01:29:10.840 Chip Meehan: Take away from the studio property, because we can't change the dozens of businesses that are on Ventura. So really, then, the burden would be on the studio giving up land, reducing its area. And why? That's problematic for us is the dimension that we have between the internal roadway 623 01:29:10.890 --> 01:29:14.299 Chip Meehan: that everybody drove in here and our property line. 624 01:29:14.460 --> 01:29:19.430 Chip Meehan: Sound stages don't fit if that gets reduced. And I think we're very 625 01:29:19.990 --> 01:29:48.379 Chip Meehan: at times at loggerheads. Trying to make sure that we have the ability to put a sound stage in that location. And if we reduce that 5 feet because you're already to the Max internally correct, we're at. We have a limit line here, and we have a limit line here so that really hobbles us in terms of the flexibility. So we're trying to say everything we can do to step buildings back, light it, do curbs and infrastructure within the zone that we haven't make that as impactful, as improved as we can. 626 01:29:48.560 --> 01:29:56.140 Chip Meehan: That's that's where we're at. Which is the answer to why we can't push back open, taking through the 627 01:29:56.630 --> 01:29:58.790 Chip Meehan: improvements that are. 628 01:29:58.960 --> 01:30:00.870 Chip Meehan: Did I want to get that one? But 629 01:30:02.380 --> 01:30:04.800 Chip Meehan: guys trying to work with Ew. 630 01:30:04.900 --> 01:30:06.569 Chip Meehan: On this Powerpoint. 631 01:30:08.200 --> 01:30:09.140 Chip Meehan: the military. 632 01:30:09.410 --> 01:30:10.449 Chip Meehan: the power line. 633 01:30:11.170 --> 01:30:12.160 Chip Meehan: the recessment. 634 01:30:13.250 --> 01:30:14.260 Chip Meehan: But they used it. 635 01:30:14.650 --> 01:30:16.800 Chip Meehan: I mean, I'm saying we're working 636 01:30:18.490 --> 01:30:19.890 Chip Meehan: once you have the 637 01:30:20.679 --> 01:30:34.320 Chip Meehan: totally great point. As I said, dozens of businesses here we'd have to work with every single one of those businesses and get every single one of those businesses approvals to rework power and access and everything else. So 638 01:30:34.320 --> 01:30:57.289 Chip Meehan: we would like to try and do this. It's just one of those things that it takes a very large coordination effort to try and do well. I would think of nothing else on their side in the alley, and not your side, where you've got these beautiful new buildings going up. I don't know if they'd be graciously enough willing to accept those power poles, but well, it would still be. It wouldn't be on their property. 639 01:30:57.980 --> 01:30:59.180 Chip Meehan: certainly. 640 01:30:59.220 --> 01:31:06.629 Chip Meehan: saying Alley. But what about all the cars that are gonna Boulevard? And then say, Oh, I'm going up the alley. 641 01:31:07.040 --> 01:31:11.519 Chip Meehan: you know. So wouldn't it be smarter just to direct some copy 642 01:31:11.700 --> 01:31:16.919 Chip Meehan: in a new street? And again again, that's a transportation 643 01:31:16.980 --> 01:31:19.539 Chip Meehan: conversation. Let's not do that yet. 644 01:31:20.980 --> 01:31:27.029 Chip Meehan: Okay. Sorry. No, I just wanted it. But people know. I mean, they're worried about the pothole 645 01:31:27.300 --> 01:31:32.840 Chip Meehan: security, the condition of the alley having a look at the power line. I mean, we're fully. 646 01:31:33.270 --> 01:31:44.209 Chip Meehan: I'm trying to improve the state of the alley, and that alley was last repaid in 6 as part of a condition of the broadcast center being built. 647 01:31:45.080 --> 01:31:47.680 Chip Meehan: and so the studio paid for it. 648 01:31:47.880 --> 01:31:48.780 Chip Meehan: Yeah. 649 01:31:52.322 --> 01:32:18.620 Chip Meehan: these are some details. Actually, I think, can help answer any questions here. But it's just talking to all of the various levels of what lead does. So lead is the rating system for sustainability. So we've got a commitment 650 01:32:18.620 --> 01:32:21.530 Chip Meehan: utilizing these strategies of. 651 01:32:21.700 --> 01:32:29.659 Chip Meehan: So it's a world leading architect. And so we wanted to make sure if there were specific questions about any of that. Ashley was here tonight to answer those 652 01:32:29.750 --> 01:32:34.690 Chip Meehan: and the Adele that was yours. And Heather's issues about the lead stuff. 653 01:32:35.060 --> 01:32:36.929 Chip Meehan: Love to see if you're 654 01:32:37.920 --> 01:32:39.700 Chip Meehan: double listed checklist. 655 01:32:40.710 --> 01:32:42.070 Chip Meehan: Yes, let's see that? 656 01:32:42.190 --> 01:32:43.440 Chip Meehan: What? What are you? 657 01:32:45.120 --> 01:32:46.830 Chip Meehan: Choice? Choice? 658 01:32:47.630 --> 01:32:53.945 Chip Meehan: Yeah, yeah, exactly. There are different places. And I think something that's important, too. Is that 659 01:32:55.350 --> 01:33:23.650 Chip Meehan: We're. We are thinking of this as a master plan. So som as an architecture firm. Actually, this slide before those are all examples of buildings that Som is designed in a really detailed way to achieve lead goal for each individual building. Here we're looking at starting really big and thinking about. There's also site strategies that achieve and achieve we this list here. These are actually what we call our 10 principles, internal to Som as a company. 660 01:33:23.650 --> 01:33:34.789 Chip Meehan: we, we, as we work on plans from the planning stage and master plans all the way through buildings. We're looking at water conservation, energy, mobility, ecology. We kind of have our own system that 661 01:33:34.830 --> 01:33:44.029 Chip Meehan: we are using as an internal checklist and design tool that links up to lead. And it also links up to a lot of other. You know, organizations that we work with internally. 662 01:33:44.840 --> 01:34:03.799 Chip Meehan: So this is, I don't expect you to read this off the screen. Obviously, it's very small. But what we've identified on the screen. All of these little dots are areas that we've identified within this project that are the opportunity areas to roll in the sustainable principles and strategies that Sm is very 663 01:34:03.860 --> 01:34:16.830 Chip Meehan: using. Everything from water to waste reduction, passive energy techniques as we talked about already. Thinking about material use, local material planting things like that. So 664 01:34:17.120 --> 01:34:31.489 Chip Meehan: that's our very high, level kind of approach, and we'll keep in order to achieve. We. We have to achieve the score points, or, as you said so we will have to get more, you know, as the project goes along, we're still working 665 01:34:32.741 --> 01:34:34.628 Chip Meehan: with a commitment to 666 01:34:35.210 --> 01:34:35.990 Chip Meehan: holy 667 01:34:36.720 --> 01:34:37.690 Chip Meehan: videos. 668 01:34:37.940 --> 01:34:53.009 Chip Meehan: Yes. So the the commitment. The commitment of the project is all electric studios, just like we don't have a detailed with the landscape plan. We're not to that level defined in the architecture yet. But it would be a commitment to those standards. 669 01:34:53.570 --> 01:35:00.660 Chip Meehan: But, Lisa, can I have a copy of this? So I could post this on. So a copy of this 670 01:35:00.680 --> 01:35:04.529 Chip Meehan: presentation that we're getting. And I appreciate all the work you guys put into this 671 01:35:04.640 --> 01:35:16.649 Chip Meehan: will be posted on the calendar entry for today, and then, so everyone will be able to take a look at it. So we could actually take a look at that, because this is going to require some study. 672 01:35:17.010 --> 01:35:19.880 Chip Meehan: and then we'll come back with more questions. 673 01:35:20.280 --> 01:35:21.110 Chip Meehan: Yes. 674 01:35:21.350 --> 01:35:29.119 Chip Meehan: so that was the end of what we were going to talk about. We're here for a while to do question and answer to anything we didn't answer from the dialogue. 675 01:35:29.270 --> 01:35:46.880 Chip Meehan: This is just to say, you know, the main areas of focus from the list that we received that we went through today. And then the next meeting, when it gets scheduled, will focus on access circulation, parking, mobility, etc. All the other items didn't touch upon tonight, and that will bring up Gibson Gibson transportation 676 01:35:46.880 --> 01:36:00.339 Chip Meehan: in as the expert to help walk through the data and studies as part of that, but happy to go back and talk through any. Are there any questions that weren't answered for anybody or anything that happened since we've had our last meeting that you'd like to bring up. 677 01:36:02.690 --> 01:36:06.069 Chip Meehan: I guess my my question is, what's the next step in all of it? 678 01:36:06.330 --> 01:36:28.929 Chip Meehan: The next step would be. We'll schedule Lisa and I will put together a traffic and mobility meeting where we can actually go through the exciting data of the traffic flows, and all of that bring your advocates, so we'll be able to do that soon. I have some travel, so if I'm not here, Barry will be acting chair, and he'll run that, so we'll get that done at their schedule, and then we'll come back. 679 01:36:30.730 --> 01:36:37.979 Chip Meehan: That would be with the transportation subcommittee and the whole ad hoc committee, and land is always going to be welcomed to these meetings. 680 01:36:40.080 --> 01:36:40.770 Chip Meehan: yes. 681 01:36:45.280 --> 01:36:51.079 Chip Meehan: I mean, I know you've got a lot to go through how many years before you think you'll start breaking ground? 682 01:36:52.030 --> 01:36:53.760 Chip Meehan: So we have. 683 01:36:54.020 --> 01:37:03.209 Chip Meehan: I'm going to say, fingers crossed best case scenario, probably 12 to 18 months or so of this process to get city council action. 684 01:37:03.749 --> 01:37:16.860 Chip Meehan: We still need to go through and design all of this to a greater level of detail which will take us another 12 or so months. And then our construction schedule in a single phase. Project is 39 months. 685 01:37:16.990 --> 01:37:18.160 Chip Meehan: So we're. 686 01:37:18.540 --> 01:37:23.029 Chip Meehan: you know, 4 or 5 years out from completion at the nearest 687 01:37:23.140 --> 01:37:36.949 Chip Meehan: and 4 years beyond that, or how many years, till you break ground? Oh, before we break ground, when you start construction when we start construction at at breakneck speed, breakneck speed. It could be 2 and a half 3 years 688 01:37:39.588 --> 01:37:44.900 Chip Meehan: after the Olympics after the Olympics. Yes. 689 01:37:45.350 --> 01:37:47.290 Chip Meehan: So you were. Gonna give us 690 01:37:47.340 --> 01:37:53.739 Chip Meehan: information about what is not, are able to add the more part of date 691 01:37:54.190 --> 01:37:55.610 Chip Meehan: as an alternate. 692 01:37:57.370 --> 01:37:58.510 Chip Meehan: That stuff 693 01:37:58.740 --> 01:38:00.119 Chip Meehan: that'll be part of the. 694 01:38:02.460 --> 01:38:09.499 Chip Meehan: So the other question I do have is, if the on a bikeway side, which is not transportation, it's amenity. 695 01:38:10.102 --> 01:38:13.899 Chip Meehan: If we don't get the Moorpark connector. 696 01:38:13.920 --> 01:38:21.279 Chip Meehan: Is there still a way for you to do the extension of the bike path without the extension? Yes, as part of the project we have been 697 01:38:21.560 --> 01:38:22.760 Chip Meehan: to input 698 01:38:22.970 --> 01:38:40.229 Chip Meehan: mobility bridge can't be realized right? That is part of the La River Master Plan, working in connection with and being consistent with only, okay. So you know, kind of an example, which is the thing that that's really important. 699 01:38:41.500 --> 01:38:43.110 Chip Meehan: They're going to have to make. 700 01:38:43.810 --> 01:38:45.629 Chip Meehan: They get through their process 701 01:38:46.090 --> 01:38:46.750 Chip Meehan: great. 702 01:38:46.920 --> 01:38:53.429 Chip Meehan: Okay. When they go through their profit, they have fun dedicated to it. 703 01:38:53.610 --> 01:38:57.880 Chip Meehan: So probably an understanding of what they're just gonna use their front door 704 01:38:57.980 --> 01:38:59.540 Chip Meehan: on its really important 705 01:38:59.980 --> 01:39:01.709 Chip Meehan: working through this process 706 01:39:02.040 --> 01:39:03.889 Chip Meehan: can't build a bridge. 707 01:39:04.060 --> 01:39:06.399 Chip Meehan: you know. Vwp. Has to do 708 01:39:06.720 --> 01:39:08.290 Chip Meehan: birthday. 709 01:39:09.080 --> 01:39:14.149 Chip Meehan: If the Dwp. Doesn't do their compliance of their project. 710 01:39:14.180 --> 01:39:16.489 Chip Meehan: then we are committing. 711 01:39:18.440 --> 01:39:19.709 Chip Meehan: But well, I mean, that's 712 01:39:21.100 --> 01:39:24.580 Chip Meehan: one way or the other. There's going to be some statute. But connection. 713 01:39:24.740 --> 01:39:37.099 Chip Meehan: So what is the bike situation regarding is that people working here coming on bikes or the neighborhoods. 714 01:39:37.110 --> 01:39:52.370 Chip Meehan: And it's not connected at those points. There's a there's a lot of. But the vision is to be able to ride from the source to the sea on a continuous bike path. 715 01:39:52.480 --> 01:39:59.270 Chip Meehan: so it would be a 51 mile ribbon park for the entire length of the La River from Canoga Park to Long Beach. 716 01:39:59.490 --> 01:40:01.849 Chip Meehan: So that has been the long term. 717 01:40:01.980 --> 01:40:06.619 Chip Meehan: Yeah. So the idea is, it's a 51 mile Ribbon park 718 01:40:07.710 --> 01:40:09.430 Chip Meehan: that we go with La 719 01:40:09.660 --> 01:40:16.809 Chip Meehan: and the other component for us to talk about ability and bike ability is we're a studio in the middle of 720 01:40:17.040 --> 01:40:26.490 Chip Meehan: a large residential area, San Fernando Valley City Valley village. All around us the goal would be, as we can enhance bike infrastructure as a community 721 01:40:26.660 --> 01:40:36.669 Chip Meehan: more likely than anybody that's in that area. Whether it's going to the farmers, market businesses lucky enough or have a job. Goodbye 722 01:40:37.400 --> 01:40:47.760 Chip Meehan: traffic. So the river bike way would be part of that, not just the 51 mile ribbon, which is amazing, but also so it's a community and local resource about running into dead ends. 723 01:40:48.640 --> 01:40:59.490 Chip Meehan: and the Neighborhood Council has sent a motion to the city council and to Metro asking for the the bike share. 724 01:40:59.860 --> 01:41:10.150 Chip Meehan: So essentially, you could walk in, drop a credit card, jump on a pedal or pedal, assist bike, which is easier, and you could take it from cold water to Tahunga. 725 01:41:10.200 --> 01:41:33.679 Chip Meehan: put it in a rack and take an Uber home, I mean. So that would be. The idea is that we would open up here. The fact that Studio City has a river running through it. So it really is an unheralded public green space that if we can develop which we need to develop based on the increasing density we're seeing. So this particular amenity is important for us. 726 01:41:34.260 --> 01:41:36.841 Chip Meehan: One thing we haven't touched upon is 727 01:41:38.680 --> 01:41:42.670 Chip Meehan: in terms of the reading, you know, kids, there's a lot of area. 728 01:41:43.620 --> 01:41:44.580 Chip Meehan: please. 729 01:41:45.250 --> 01:41:49.260 Chip Meehan: Native trees, shrubs, all that kind of thing. We really haven't mentioned that. So 730 01:41:50.500 --> 01:42:04.370 Chip Meehan: so the the east side of the Tahunga wash, as we were saying that that is really going to be as part of Lisa's talking about the La River Master Plan improvements. I'm talking about the north and south side of the river. Yeah. 731 01:42:04.390 --> 01:42:11.399 Chip Meehan: through this, through the studio. Pardon me, just just so, I can make sure 732 01:42:11.510 --> 01:42:14.010 Chip Meehan: will be even, or even for 733 01:42:14.460 --> 01:42:16.500 Chip Meehan: possibly further West. 734 01:42:16.680 --> 01:42:34.660 Chip Meehan: Yeah, no, we haven't discussed that, because that would be an app that we would come back with as something we're asking for. So which just I just want to make sure I can help answer one of the things that we would like to help. I mean, before Lisa came back with the good news that we actually had found some Grant money. One of the things we were thinking is, okay. We're do. You're 735 01:42:34.810 --> 01:42:43.179 Chip Meehan: there is a, you know, a thermal sink issue here. One of the things you could potentially do to offset that would be to plant 736 01:42:43.200 --> 01:42:46.890 Chip Meehan: between Radford and Laurel on the north side. 737 01:42:49.160 --> 01:42:51.829 Chip Meehan: right? And so that would be something that 738 01:42:51.860 --> 01:43:14.950 Chip Meehan: on the on the La River over this way. Yeah, yeah. So it's actually off campus. But campus adjacent. And it's a way to actually increase the amenities of the worksite. And so there's some things we can talk about there, particularly to Laurie's point about. You. Take out a mature tree, even at 4 to one. 739 01:43:14.950 --> 01:43:28.210 Chip Meehan: You don't get the quite the same return for a generation. So what could we do? Some? That's something else. We'll probably come back to for a more aggrandized greening program. But we're not there yet to really formalize the act. 740 01:43:28.540 --> 01:43:32.380 Chip Meehan: Yeah, yeah, but that will be part of the ask. 741 01:43:33.480 --> 01:43:35.490 Chip Meehan: I saw that second 742 01:43:36.410 --> 01:43:39.850 Chip Meehan: I saw. My inbox is blowing up with you. 743 01:43:39.880 --> 01:43:41.060 Chip Meehan: Thank you very much. 744 01:43:43.460 --> 01:43:45.479 Chip Meehan: I had a question about 745 01:43:45.530 --> 01:43:50.599 Chip Meehan: Alley. The the carpenter entrance will be a new entrance 746 01:43:50.630 --> 01:43:52.409 Chip Meehan: on the line. Correct? Correct. 747 01:43:52.800 --> 01:43:55.970 Chip Meehan: More buildings on the alley. 748 01:43:56.100 --> 01:43:57.870 Chip Meehan: both in both directions. 749 01:43:58.390 --> 01:44:01.409 Chip Meehan: Will those be? Those aren't gonna be like 750 01:44:01.470 --> 01:44:02.790 Chip Meehan: opened. Now 751 01:44:02.860 --> 01:44:18.110 Chip Meehan: those are the the rear of those buildings. Right? So your yes. So the only place where we're proposing that they be open is at the very corners. So at the intersection of that right, we want them to be not just like 752 01:44:18.110 --> 01:44:40.560 Chip Meehan: concrete walls, but something that's like interactive. So our our retail component that we have as part of the project. That's where you might have you tried not to repeat this second 753 01:44:41.890 --> 01:45:01.680 Chip Meehan: carpenter the other, or both either segment. Yeah, so I'll I'll let us talk about. Some of the things we're trying to do. But from a function standpoint, that's what we're trying to also do some of our service loading right? So just like the businesses we're doing on the south side of that alley we're trying to do on the north side of that ground floor. But in terms of architecture treatment. 754 01:45:01.930 --> 01:45:27.450 Chip Meehan: Yeah. So in in these current iterations we are. We have our column grids of kind of vertical piers coming down with roll up doors that have the ability to be open and close for loading needs, and that would occur kind of in that center section of of the building. So it's a way for trucks to get in. There's a 4 that's kind of hidden there, so it will be a service granted base, but so would that facade have a 755 01:45:27.510 --> 01:45:47.910 Chip Meehan: a big mural on it, a screen on it, an advertisement potentially on the Dexter on the upper right, right above the loading dock. You're gonna end up building. It wouldn't have window 756 01:45:48.310 --> 01:45:51.259 Chip Meehan: ground floor against the alley where we would have 757 01:45:51.980 --> 01:45:56.440 Chip Meehan: less windows, and there wouldn't be people facing that side. But up above there would be. 758 01:45:57.220 --> 01:46:16.820 Chip Meehan: And the super graphic. The one that we showed you a super graphic is an application. So it's like, if you're on a transit bus, you can't. You've got the ad on the outside, but you can see out would be that kind of applicant. Are you expecting people to come through that carpenter area just 759 01:46:17.200 --> 01:46:20.690 Chip Meehan: to come in and park and work there, I mean, or is it just 760 01:46:20.970 --> 01:46:21.690 Chip Meehan: or 761 01:46:22.880 --> 01:46:50.360 Chip Meehan: trucks, I mean, it seems like an we want. We want. We want all of our gates to be used for all of our vehicles, so they can come off the street as fast as possible. The primary production gate would still be off of production vehicles coming off of Carpenter. Sure there would be something only because I'm aware of the school that's right up the street on carpenter 762 01:46:50.890 --> 01:46:52.940 Chip Meehan: work there. 763 01:46:53.378 --> 01:47:21.609 Chip Meehan: So I'm thinking that this could create a lot of traffic coming through that little small carpenter street from Ventura to the alley, and it seems like an unusual place to open up for traffic cars to come in. I don't, so I don't want. I don't want to go down the deep dive, because I know we've got a lot of questions around this. We promise we won't talk about it. We will definitely respond to that and talk through. 764 01:47:22.020 --> 01:47:46.739 Chip Meehan: I just want to delete it like that. Sorry, for you know. I think it's 2 bays in either direction. 765 01:47:46.870 --> 01:47:49.990 Chip Meehan: We have kind of glass activated facade 766 01:47:50.130 --> 01:47:59.750 Chip Meehan: at the lower level. Once you get behind the buildings, it's going to go to more of a metal panel or masonry unit. 767 01:47:59.920 --> 01:48:04.840 Chip Meehan: And then, as you go up, you're gonna start to get back to glazing and glass and transparency. 768 01:48:05.100 --> 01:48:20.820 Chip Meehan: So this is Carpenter. Yeah, this is, we're not seeing Firestone, just like a glance of the east shopping center. That's the retaining wall of firestones along by alley. Are you gonna have something protecting the building so a car couldn't get it. 769 01:48:21.250 --> 01:48:29.000 Chip Meehan: We haven't gone to that level of detail whether it's bollards or the curb. We could have a curb line. So we haven't gotten there, but 770 01:48:29.050 --> 01:48:31.067 Chip Meehan: no big Tony 771 01:48:31.790 --> 01:48:32.990 Chip Meehan: interested. But 772 01:48:34.870 --> 01:48:39.229 Chip Meehan: well, that's another reason why a curve in that 773 01:48:40.200 --> 01:48:47.050 Chip Meehan: it's a Colfax, also a pedestrian repentance. So all all of our gates are head and bike as well. 774 01:48:47.120 --> 01:48:51.300 Chip Meehan: They'll have bike racks at facilities as you are. 775 01:48:52.050 --> 01:48:55.649 Chip Meehan: so we wouldn't ask you to go all the way around to come to the one bike entrance. 776 01:48:55.750 --> 01:49:14.610 Chip Meehan: It's just like the Radford side. Only enter either in a car or as a pedestrian right there. You can't like. There won't be little side sidewalk entrances between those buildings that no, that's not the intention. And why we do that is, we want from a security perspective. We want everyone. 777 01:49:16.570 --> 01:49:44.559 Chip Meehan: We're starting to devolve into multiple small conversations. So I think that's a sign that it's 9 o'clock. I think we're so, would someone like to motion to adjourn? Okay, I really appreciate all the work all of you guys did in this presentation. I think it not just answered the questions, but the narrative, I think, was really illustrative of what you guys are planning. So I appreciate the work you did to help us move forward on that. Thank you. 778 01:49:44.930 --> 01:49:45.880 Chip Meehan: We're coming. 779 01:49:47.565 --> 01:49:52.040 Chip Meehan: Zach. I think we're done. 780 01:49:52.750 --> 01:49:55.739 Chip Meehan: You do inside. If you're outside 781 01:49:55.900 --> 01:49:56.899 Chip Meehan: forensic nurse. Oh. 782 01:49:56.900 --> 01:49:57.859 Zach Sokoloff: Okay. Thank you. Jeff. 783 01:49:57.860 --> 01:50:01.889 Chip Meehan: But in terms of being able to see on my computer. 784 01:50:01.890 --> 01:50:02.930 Zach Sokoloff: Yeah. 785 01:50:02.930 --> 01:50:13.169 Chip Meehan: How do I? That's just going to be on. It's going to be on the website. And so the web, the studio city neighboring council website. Okay? But it's not sent out via. 786 01:50:13.170 --> 01:50:14.349 Zach Sokoloff: Signing off Chip. Thank you. 787 01:50:14.350 --> 01:50:14.970 Chip Meehan: I've I've Been.