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Welcome to Studio City: Gateway to The Valley

San Fernando Valley PRIDE

Posted on 06/20/2024

Join us on June 29 for an unforgettable Pride event that will celebrate and honor the diversity and resilience of our LGBTQ+ community! The event will kick off with a RALLY followed by a MARCH down Van Nuys Blvd.

After the MARCH, we will continue the festivities with a fabulous BLOCK PARTY, featuring music, food, entertainment, art, and resource fair.

This is a fantastic opportunity to connect with our community, make new friends, and be a part of something truly special. Everyone is welcome, so bring your friends, family, and allies, and let's celebrate our diversity together!


Posted on 06/26/2024

Join us for National Night Out! 

National Night Out is an annual community-building campaign that promotes strong police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie to make our neighborhoods safer, more caring places to live and work. Together, we are making that happen. From 5 p.m. to 7 p.m., neighbors throughout Studio City and across the nation are asked to lock their doors, turn on their front porch lights and spend the evening outside with neighbors and law enforcement.

SCNC is meeting up with LAPD and other local agencies at Beeman Park. Join us! 

Studio City Recreation Center
12621 Rye St.
Studio City, CA  91604

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Neighborhood Council Election Information

Posted on 06/18/2024

These are the dates for Studio City Neighborhood Council elections.

  • Candidate Filing Period: February 7, 2025 to March 24, 2025

  • Vote-By-Mail Period: April 11, 2025 to June 1, 2025

  • Election Day: June 10, 2025 

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Posted on 06/17/2024

The City is proposing to resume Sewer Service Charge rate increases that were paused in 2020 because of the pandemic. This is necessary to protect Angelenos’ public health and the environment. Please know that assistance will be available for households in need. Read on for more information below.

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NoHo Summer Nights

Posted on 05/20/2024

Valley Cultural Foundation, in conjunction with the Department of Cultural Affairs and Council District 2, presents NoHo Summer Nights, a ten-week concert and movie series. Admission is FREE. Community parking is available at the recreation center parking lots, areas surrounding the park and the North Hollywood Metro station.

Concerts begin at 7:00 PM
Emerging Artists will open for all Headline Performers

Movies begin at dusk, approximately 7:30 PM

North Hollywood Park
11455 W. Magnolia Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Next to the Amelia Earhart Library

Spring Movie in the Park Video

Posted on 05/31/2024


Sustainability Saturday :: Know the dangers of FAST FASHION

Posted on 05/04/2024

Over 100 billion clothing items are created each year. More than 87% of these items eventually end up in landfills or are burned. Fast fashion companies churn out new products constantly at low prices, using underpaid/exploited labor and cheap materials. The fashion industry is estimated to produce up to 10% of global carbon emissions.

To address these issues, new companies are at the forefront of the movement to re-use, repair, re-dye and/or recycle clothing. People want new clothes. Instead of buying new clothes, they can be repaired, re-dyed and/or re-designed to get new looks. In addition, these companies are also supporting clothing swaps to help people get new clothes by trading with others.

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Get involved!

Posted on 04/06/2024

Together, LA’s 99 Neighborhood Councils form the grassroots level of Los Angeles city government. Each has a unique structure, in order to reflect the people and the needs of the community it serves. Here are some ways you can get involved.

Contact [email protected] to get involved! 

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Sustainability Saturday :: Don't be a rat!

Posted on 04/06/2024

Sustainability Saturday! Did you know: a family of barn owls (4) can eat up to 1000 rodents a year. Many of these rats may have ingested toxins trough rodenticides, putting the owls at risk!
Rodenticides are harmful to all living animals. The rat that ingests rodenticide will weaken and become easy prey for owls and hawks who will then be poisoned.
Rodenticides have been found in substantial amounts in large prey including bobcats and mountain lions. Rodenticides often lead to mange which can kill large predators.
By using rodenticides we are harming those animals we know and love, and even putting our pets at risk.
Encourage your neighbors and friends
to avoid use of pesticides.

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